The Recreation Centers of Sun City West has rescheduled its upcoming Budget Forums for the community.
Please make note of these new dates. We encourage all residents to attend at least one session:
- 9 a.m. Wednesday, April 26, Lecture Hall.
- 5:30 p.m. Thursday, April 27, Lecture Hall.
General Manager Bill Schwind will discuss the proposed fiscal plan for 2023-24. The sessions will be held in the Lecture Hall, but also live streamed and recorded for YouTube. There will be time for questions from members.
Schwind will give a PowerPoint presentation about the proposed operations and capital budget, including owner member dues, Asset Preservation Fee, golf and bowling fees. The budget is not yet final, as the Governing Board will not approve it until its regular meeting in May.
Community members are encouraged to attend one of these sessions to provide input and ask questions.