Sun City West E-News

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Hello and thank you for your interest in Sun City West! Our E-news is designed to keep you informed and up-to-date with everything happening around the community. Whether if you’re only interested in the latest concerts and events or just want a little bit of everything, we have you covered!

Please fill out the form on this page to start receiving our E-news.

The Sun City West E-news is sent out every Wednesday and covers a wide selection of topics concerning Sun City West.

For those interested in the special events put on by our Events Department, you can also sign up to receive emails from our Events Department that promote upcoming events. Just make sure to click the option on the form for event emails.

If you’re not interested in receiving emails about our events and concerts, please leave that option unchecked.

We will never sell, rent or give your personal information to anyone.

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Golfers looking to keep up-to-date with SCW golf, our Golf Operations team has their own Enews they periodically send out to golfers promoting SCW golf events and tournaments. If you would like to sign up for that, please click here.

Missed a past issue?

Check some of them out down below!