Recreation Centers
Of Sun City West, Inc.
Date: September 25, 2017
To: RCSCW Governing Board
From: Mike Whiting, General Manager
Subject: Weekly Activity Report – September 25, 2017
Facility Projects:
- Desert Trails Remodel project continues. The vendor is currently working on trim and clean. Completion expected on Oct. 6.
- The sealing and striping of Kuentz Parking Lot 2 is complete.
- Trail Ridge Pro Shop Lighting Energy Conservation installation begins and will be followed by Deer Valley, Echo Mesa, & Pebblebrook Pro Shops.
- Stardust Pro-Shop Asphalt Seal is scheduled for Sunday Oct. 1 and will be striped on Monday, Oct. 2.
Facility Maintenance:
- H. Johnson Spa retiling is just about complete. We expect to fill it with water by the end of this week.
- The dust collectors in the Wood Shop have been changed out and are good for another year.
- The Movies in the Park are now on Sunday nights instead of Saturdays. Our first movie, “Gifted” is scheduled October 1 at sundown.
Sports Pavilion:
- Sunday’s Special brought in $483.
- To date we have 54 entries into the Lona King Bowling Tournament scheduled for Oct. 7 & 8.
- They are a little slow but the Leagues are coming back.
- The Shuffle Board Room reopened on 9/25/17
- Palm Ridge Fitness Room will be closed Monday through Wednesday of this week.
General Services:
- Member Services received the newly revised Member Packets. They look great!
- The deadline for the November issue of the Rec. Center News is Friday, Oct. 6.
- The Fall Semester of our TORCH Program starts in Oct. with the Meet and Greet on Oct. 4 and the first Class on Oct. 5.
- The library will celebrate its reopening with an Open House on Friday, September 29 between 10:00 a.m. and Noon. Residents are invited to visit all areas of the library, even staff work areas. 3rd Street Jazz will entertain during the event with classic jazz and Broadway Show tunes. Refreshments will be served.
- Three more Virtual Reality session were presented last Friday, September 22. We collected comment forms from all participants and they were unanimously positive. We plant to host Virtual Reality on two or three Fridays each month. Residents must preregister. Each session will be limited to five or six people so that each person has enough time to enjoy the experience.
Village Store:
- The Village Store sold its most expensive piece ever over the weekend; a $750 squash blossom necklace.
- The Village Store continues to work with Clubs regarding new space available for the Fall Arts and Crafts Fair. Leather Carvers has agreed to occupy the new courtyard space for the upcoming Fall Crafts Fair.
Environmental Services:
- We are finishing up prep work this week on Grandview overseeding and will be putting seed down tomorrow through mid-day Friday.
- We are putting seed down at Desert Trails on Monday & Tuesday of this week as well as performing other maintenance items and will reopen the course on Oct. 17.
- Stardust and Trail Ridge closed for overseeding on Thursday 9-28 and reopen on Oct. 17.
- The Ball Park closed on Wednesday, 9-20 for overseeding. We reopen on Monday, Oct. 16.
- We close half of the small Dog Park (First Section) for overseeding 9-28. The second half on the dog park closes Wed., Oct. 18 and the outside lawn Dog Park closes Thursday, Oct. 5. The ARC Building lawn will be overseeded Monday, Oct. 2. The lawns at Palm Ridge will be overseeded during the 2nd week of October.
- Staff will overseed the new pool lawn sometime in mid-October.
- We continue to work on the RH Johnson Project Landscaping. We are scheduled to install eight additional trees next Wednesday, 9/27, we will finish laying down the Rip Rap (rock) behind the Social Hall sometime next month.
- We plan to install three new trees at the Woodshop within the next 2 weeks.
- We’ve already started removing flowers and prepping beds for the fall/winter flowers.
Golf Operations:
- Golf revenue and rounds were down for the month of September ($14,000) and down 870 rounds. We are hoping the cooler and beautiful weather will change this trend.
- 60 players participated in the Michelob Challenge. $1,500 in prizes were given out at this event.
- We are finalizing the hiring of 6 PA’s and 2 Call Center employees.
- Two “Camp Corral” Tournaments have been scheduled on our courses for March 2018. These tournaments will benefit the children of American Veterans.
Financial Services:
- We will be making a presentation on cash flow at next week’s Budget and Finance Committee Meeting. The Association Auditor will also be there to talk about our recent audit and answer any questions the Committee Members may have.