The Recreation Centers of Sun City West Governing Board held an Executive Session Tuesday afternoon and voted to remove Tim Hurley as president.
The action follows an earlier decision by the Board to suspend Hurley for 30 days. That suspension, which prevents Hurley from participating in any Governing Board activities and temporarily revokes his recreation center privileges, ends on March 25.
Tuesday’s decision was announced by Interim Board President Lisa Vines following the closed session. Vines will remain as interim president until the Board votes on a new president at its next Regular Meeting, which begins 9 a.m. Thursday, March 21, in the Lecture Hall. No additional information about the Executive Session was available.
Bylaw 5.7 allows the Board to vote to fill officer vacancies, and with the new officer fulfilling the term until June 30.
Additionally, Bylaw 5.06 states: “Any officer may be removed from office by the majority vote of the Governing Board at any regular or special meeting called for that purpose whenever the Governing Board determines that such removal serves the best interests of the Association.”
The Board’s March 25 Election will see three new Directors selected by the community, with three-year terms beginning July 1. Additionally, the top vote-getter will be seated immediately to fulfil the remainder of Harry Stannebein’s term. He resigned Feb. 6, stating personal reasons. After Stannebein’s term ends June 30, that top-vote getter will begin their own term on July 1.
Why haven’t the bylaws been followed? The three qualifications Directors must maintain during their entire term of office are as follows: The Director must be, and must remain, qualified to be an Owner Member of the Association; The Director must be, and must remain, an Owner Member of the Association in good standing as the term is defined in Bylaw 2.05 (Privileges and Rights)/Sections 2.51 and 2.5.6; The Director must be any Owner Member in good standing who is available on a year-round basis for participation in the business affairs of the Association, in accordance with the section defining “Director Meeting Attendance.” (See Bylaw 4.10) In the event that a Director is alleged to have not maintained all three qualifications of office, said Director may be called to account by any Owner Member before a Special Meeting of the Governing Board to determine whether all three qualifications are being maintained. Notification of the Special Meeting will be in accordance with these Bylaws together with a registered letter mailed to the challenged Director. If the challenged Director notifies the Governing Board that he or she acknowledges the deficiency and cannot correct it, the Governing Board may use the Special Meeting to appoint a replacement. At the Special Meeting, the challenged Director shall be given every opportunity to demonstrate that his or her qualifications to remain a Director have been satisfied or to show what is being done or has been done to rectify any acknowledged deficiency. If, as indicated by a vote of the remaining Governing Board members, six of the members find that one or more of the challenged Director’s qualifications are not satisfied, the challenged Director shall be deemed removed.
Nothing but a witch hunt
Very sad
Thank you, Board Directors. You did the right thing.
I would assume something came about for this decision to be made for the best interest of the community.
Martin, again, we do not have details of the Executive Session, just the results. So we will not speculate beyond what was included in the release. Thank you.
Wasn’t Mr. Hurley one of the board members subject to a recall by SCW residents?
Hello Larry. Mr. Hurley was the subject of a recall in December, but retained his seat. Details can be found here.
I’m impressed.
Is the community entitled to know the facts?
Mrs. Seymour, all information provided to us from the Board following the Executive Session was included in the press release. Any further information would have to come from the Board. However, details from Executive Sessions typically remain private, with only the results of votes announced.
This is BS! Sorry you didn’t get your chance to overthrow the board during the recall. This is just another attempt to override the residents choices in SCW. We voted, sorry you didn’t like the outcome. Guess it is time to start a recall for Lisa and the cronies. Also, would like to know which board members voted for and which against.
Mr. Colvin, we understand you are upset but we remind you all comments should remain civil. Personal attacks that could be construed as libelous will be removed. For that reason, we removed a small part of one of your statements. Please keep this in mind in any future comments. Information about how the Directors voted was not released from the Executive Session and was therefore not included in the press release.
As an owner/member, the board is accountable to us. With this so close to the recall election that tried to oust Mr. Hurley, hiding behind “Executive Session” so we won’t disclose who voted what is unacceptable. Also as the other commenter noted, it does not appear the bylaws were followed unless the process is clearly noted to the member/owners.
Mr. Colvin, we will share your concerns with the Governing Board Interim President. Any additional release of information would have to come from the Board. Thank you.
RCSCW PR I see nothing offensive or uncivil in Michael Colvin’s comments. Without full disclosure about what was said; there is an appearance of great bias by those who have now assumed power. Furthermore do not know any of you, so claiming that my remarks are somehow biased or libelous would really shed some light on the real problem.
Hi Daniel, Mr. Colvin made a purportedly factual comment that singled out one person, and it is not something we could verify as true. It also was not an opinion. (Opinions can be printed so long as they remain civil.) We do not want to open ourselves or Mr. Colvin to a libel suite. One other note, when you state there is “an appearance of great bias by those who have now assumed power,” please understand the website is maintained by our professional staff, not the Board. Although the Board hires and supervises the General Manager, they do not hire or supervise any of the other staff with the exception of their own Executive Assistant. In other words, we will continue to monitor and handle comments to this website just as we always have, regardless of who is elected to the Board.
RCSCW PR Thank you for the reply. I am rather new to SCW (less than 2 yrs) however I do live in a Democracy. Our Nation just expelled Rep. George Santos from Congress. His case had full disclosure and transparency. The facts were presented and the vote (in Congress) was open for the public to watch. How each Rep. voted was a matter of public record. That brings up Mr. Colvin’s and my question again. Why is there no disclosure and transparency on this issue? Mr. Hurley survived a recall election, but now he is out as the President of the Board anyway. So as unbiased as I can be, I see no reason for this (unless reasons are given) and the appearance of under handed or dirty “Politics” appears to be the basis for the Board’s recent action. I think the vast majority of residents would like some transparency on this issue. I believe we are a Democracy also.
Mr. Trokan, we can point you to the state law, as well as our Bylaws and Policies and what they require, but beyond that, we cannot speak to the specifics as the details and actions were discussed in the Executive Session to which staff is not privy. The Recreation Centers of Sun City West is not a municipal government, so there are some key differences. We fall under Arizona Revised Statute Title 33 (Property) as a Planned Community. The open meetings regulations that apply to us can be found here:
Bylaws and Policies on how our meetings run, notification requirements, and election and removal of Directors and Officers, can be found at Click on “Policies” at the top right; then at left, where it says “Book,” you can use the drop down to look at the Policies and Bylaws. Article 5 of the Bylaws talks about Officers. Article 4 talks about the Governing Board and its meetings.
It sounds like Tim is out as President but still a board member is that correct?
That is correct.
Thank you.