The Recreation Centers of Sun City West Governing Board held a Special Meeting on Feb. 26 to discuss the Sun City West election process and the appearance of possible interference/inappropriate behavior by the Governing Board President.
After a lengthy investigation and discussion of the circumstances of the distribution of the “Report Card” grading of the 8 candidates running for the Governing Board, the Governing Board has taken the following action:
Board President Tim Hurley is suspended as President of the Governing Board effective at 5 p.m. Feb. 27 until midnight March 25, 2024, and will not be allowed to participate in any Governing Board activities during that time. Additionally, all his recreation center privileges are revoked from Feb. 27 to March 25, 2024.
You didn’t say why he’s been suspended
Read the second paragraph. Sounds like he sent out a list ranking the candidates, so using his position to influence the upcoming RCSCW election.
Hello Phyllis. Please do not read anything into the press release as to what happened or didn’t happen. Beyond what was discussed at the last Board meeting during public comment, the discussion of what happened and what decision the Board ultimately made was part of a privileged (closed to the public) Executive Session. Thank you for understanding.
The Board and the Rec Ctr need to be more transparent about what happened with the Hurley Flyer and why Mr. Hurley was merely suspended and not permanently removed from the Board; and how each board member voted. Transparency is the key to overcoming this egregious incident.
Laura, the Board cannot remove Mr. Hurley. Please see our earlier response regarding the recall. The original recall failed, and per state law and our Bylaws he cannot be recalled again during his term. The Board can remove him as an officer, which requires a majority vote. Obviously that did not happen but a suspension was given instead.
How did each board member vote? Who voted to remove Mr. Hurley as President permanently and who voted for a mere month’s suspension for this Flyer? Transparency increases members’ confidence in the Governing Board as a whole.
Laura, please note we edited your comment to take out possibly libelous accusations. As to the rest of your comment, staff is privy only to the information that was released in the press release. Any additional information would have to come from the Board. We are making the Acting Board President aware of the comments on this post so they can respond if needed. Thank you.
Who is the acting president?
Vice President Lisa Vines is the Acting President until Mr. Hurley’s suspension is lifted.
Secrecy is how SCW operates
For the record the board can and should have removed Mr. Hurley – nothing to do with another recall. He simply was a owner member NOT in good standing on February 27th at 5:00 pm so he no longer met the criteria under the bylaws to be a director. Simple. Not hard. Just not followed
Hurley reputation is left open, could be anything, he deserves to be announced problem not letting us all assume the worse.
I don’t understand. So subterfuge and secrecy as opposed to transparency and forthrightness? Please explain why owner/members are not allowed access to every discussion and decision as it relates to RCSCW?
Kevin, we follow our Bylaws and state law. Both allow for discussions to be closed when dealing with the behavior or allegations of certain behavior by an individual. The Board announced the results of the meeting in a timely manner, as required.
SCW operates secretly
That does not cut it. I am sick of private backdoor BS. This needs to be communicated in a straightforward fashion lest we all think the entire Board is compromised. It is in the public trust once lost never regained…
Mr. Mundo, state law and our Bylaws allow for the Board to adjourn into an Executive Session to discuss certain matters. This was closed under those rules. The behavior being discussed was first brought up at a public Board meeting. You can watch it here, and learn what the specific issue was. After members brought it to the Board’s attention, the Board called the Executive Session to decide any disciplinary actions. The results of that meeting were posted publicly in the press release. We encourage you to attend the public meetings to ask questions directly of the Board. The next Board meeting is March 8 – a Workshop at 9 a.m. in the Lecture Hall. There are additional Committee meetings as well before then. Questions can also be directed to the Board at
I agree with you 100%
You are right
Maybe it shouldn’t be privileged. That’s what leads to conjecture.
Barbara, all Board discussions regarding individuals’ behavior and possible sanctions on an individual are held in closed Executive Sessions – unless the member wishes it to be public. This is true for CC&R violations, misbehavior in the rec centers, etc. The information that can be made public – if any action is taken, is made public as soon as possible.
Nothing to read into the press release, seemed pretty self explanatory
Censorship? Why was my comment deleted, more importantly why do these comments need to be approved?
Michael, we are unsure what comment you are talking about. Please let us know and we will get back to you.
Good question.
Exactly – censorship at it’s finest…..pending approval
Nothing to read into. The second paragraph is pretty clear.
But as a elected position shouldn’t all homeowners be given the information about his suspension.
Vernon, the suspension was due to Mr. Hurley’s involvement and “the circumstances of the distribution of the ‘Report Card’ grading of the 8 candidates running for the Governing Board,” per the press release. Staff is not privy to those details either, but if you watch the meeting it will give you a better idea of what the concern was.
Thank you
So seated President Mr. Tim Hurley and Mrs. Hurley both have interfered with the election process here. Tim gets 4 weeks off after this stunt all the while degrading SCW homeowners at the meetings and denying the “effing **tch comment which was directed towards a caring and involved homeowner and demanding that it be erased from the recording.
Four weeks off and right back into running the club ?
Sounds like? Assumptions shouldn’t have to be made,it should not be a secret but spell out what he is accused of.
Hello again Jim. You’ve left several comments on the same topic. We have deleted some for brevity since the issues are the same. As we stated before, Sun City West is one of the greatest active adult communities in the nation. The vast majority of residents who moved here are highly satisfied. Like any community, we have our ups and downs. Please attend the Board meetings to stay involved, learn more, and ask questions directly of the Board. All meetings have adequate time for member comment. Thank you.
The “vast majority”? With that least recall attempt, wasn’t it about 56%. I would not call that “the vast majority”.
You have deleted because of secrecy. Terrible way Toruń government in America. This is why you are distrusted.
And that is what is at stake. The reputation of this community. Not sure what survey you took to make the opinion you did regarding “the vast majority” but I believe there is a “vast silent minority” that is about to become the “vocal majority” We as residents have had enough with the monitoring of information. And all meetings do not have adequate time. I have been to several whereby the chair cuts the meeting short and won’t even let their own commmittee members comment. Yes, all the staff get to present their operational reports but when it comes to member comments the HUGE timer comes up and the 2 minute countdown begins.
Sounds like is gossip, could be anything
If he had any ethics, he would resign
He shouldn’t be suspended, he should be impeached (or expelled).
Tom, the Board can not impeach or expel. They can remove a Director from an Officer position. The community can recall a Director, per the Bylaws. That was attempted recently and failed, so Mr. Hurley cannot be recalled again during his term.
When there has been possibly illegal activity, and yes the report card flyers was illegal under State election laws, he can be removed from office. Winning a recall does not make him exempt from repercussions for his behavior for the rest of his term. Can you cite the state law that says there cannot be a second recall during the same term?
Tom, please be very careful in alleging illegal activity. Nowhere has it been stated or implied that anything illegal took place. Such allegations can lead you into slander/libel laws.
Aside from that, per ARS 33-1813: (h) A petition that calls for the removal of the same member of the board of directors shall not be submitted more than once during each term of office for that member.
We are not looking for another recall so please stop refering to that as a reason he can not be removed. In order to remain on the Governing Board, owner members MUST maintain their status as being in good standing. If not, By Law applies and the Board member is “automatically” removed from the position. There is no 2nd recall, no closed door meetings, no back and forth about his officer position. He is simply removed.
And a director is AUTOMATICALLY removed when they fail to meet the criteria of a owner/member in good standing which Mr. Hurley did when he was suspended. Again, we as residents want to know why he has not been removed as per the bylaws.
Why are comments being censored?
Tom, please let us know which comments you are referring to. We deleted some repetitive ones on the website here. And we eliminated a stream of personal attacks on our Facebook page – per our policy. Our Facebook page promotes Sun City West to the world, and to prospective employees, visitors and guests. It is not the place for personal attacks. The Association is in a state of transition, and any and all information we can release regarding next steps will be announced publicly. Please give the Board time to decide what the next steps are, and you will hear about them at meetings and through press releases. Thank you.
Sun City West is a beautiful, clean, quiet yet vibrant community. I’m sorry to see angst, and while I understand that disagreements happen as part of any community life, I am so very grateful to have the privilege to live here. Thank you all, disagreements or not, for providing this beautiful place I’m proud to call home:)
Could not agree more …
After looking at homes and facilities in Sun City we bought our first (then second) home in Sun City West. We are very happy with our decision. As a former newspaper publisher and, in retirement, an elected city council member, it appears that open meeting laws were followed, discussion was held in closed session on personnel matters (as allowed by law) and action was taken in open session as required by law. You can please some of the people all of the time and you can please all of the people some of the time but you can’t please all of the people all of the time.
But the bylaws were not followed. In order to remain on the Governing Board, owner members MUST maintain their status as being in good standing. If not, By Law applies and the Board member is “automatically” removed from the position. They did not remove Mr. Hurley on February 27th when he was no longer in good standing. Actually they didn’t need to remove him he was automatically removed per the by law.
Tim has been the President for way to long and obviously its time to replace him NOT suspend him for 30 days. This is ridiculous. Please let’s move on and start with a new president.
How unfortunate. It seems chaos is in charge. The resignation of the very good manager, no this. Change is NOT always for the best; we shall see.
I find it baffling that the Governing Board did not include a concise statement of the undisputed facts of the case in this press release. Just saying “After a lengthy investigation and discussion of the circumstances of the distribution of the ‘Report Card’ grading of the 8 candidates running for the Governing Board” tells us nothing. What was this ‘Report Card?’. What was the issue? One can’t express an opinion about the relative merits of the candidates? No, that can’t be it. Was information false and defamatory? Was it distributed with SCW resources? Did it purport to be an official SCW communication? Failure to explain may cause people to make unfair assumptions both ways.
I agree. Without the information you suggested, Chuck, the upcoming election is tainted.
“I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to death your right to say it.” Voltaire.
I hope the president sues the board.
Suspending as president maybe, but suspending association community rights was evil.
Today’s Politics at all levels are ridiculous. Most sane people are not willing to be part of any of these circuses. Tim is a good man with good intensions. I am not sure why him expressing his opinion on candidates is a problem. We are intelligent human beings able to review lots of information and make our own decisions. Sanctions for Tim expressing his constitutional 1st amendment rights is outrageous.
I’m having a hard time understanding how Mr. Hurley can be suspended as president of the Board with revocation of all Rec Center privileges.. and still be allowed to present himself at a SCW golf course to pass out cards and chat with golfers. Does this mean he is able to visit any designated SCW venue at will and visit with residents whenever the spirit moves him? This is a question for the Board. What does “revocation of all Rec Center privileges” mean? After the “grade card” incident, I would think he needs to be prevented from roaming around on Rec Center property … at least until after the election.
What is the exact definition of “all recreation center privileges” for any resident?
why is Tim Hurley still golfing under the Member Guest status? Are the rules for everyone but the governing board as he is golfing with another governing board member!
Sally, Mr. Hurley paid the public rate to golf following his suspension. The details of the Board’s suspension of Mr. Hurley are unknown as that decision was made in Executive Decision. Please see the latest press release from today regarding further action by the Board regarding Mr. Hurley.
I submitted this question two days ago and still have not received a response. I received a email response that my question was approved. What is the exact definition of “all recreation center privileges” for any resident?
When there is a response from “Admin”, does anyone know who that is at the Rec Center? Thanks.
Joel, the details of Mr. Hurley’s suspension were part of a closed Executive Session. Staff and the members are not privy to those details. The rights and privileges for Owner Members are detailed in Bylaw 2.05. How that was applied to Mr. Hurley during his suspension is known only to those in the Executive Session.
Responses on our webpage from “admin” reflect Staff’s response and are not attributable to any specific individuals.
My question was not answered. I asked what is the definition of “all rec center privileges” for any resident”. Bylaw 2.05 does not answer this question. If it does, please tell me where is states what are the rec center privileges for any resident. No where in my question did I ask or state anything about Mr. Hurley. I am asking as it applies to a resident. Thank you.
Joel, please refer to Article 02 of the Bylaws regarding Membership in the Association. It will detail the types of members and the the Privileges and Rights afforded them.
“It is their job, their obligation, to follow our By Laws–which require him to have been removed entirely from the Board. It’s not a gray area. This was not done.”
Mr. Bennett, please see the attached post. The Board cannot remove Mr. Hurley from the Board under these circumstances.