Recreation Centers
Of Sun City West, Inc.
Date: July 23, 2018
To: RCSCW Governing Board
From: Mike Whiting, General Manager
Subject: Weekly Activity Report – July 23, 2018
Facility Projects:
- R. H. Johnson Tennis Project Phase 1 continues. French Drain installation continues.
- R. H. Johnson Tennis Phase 2 in progress. Completed pour on court 3 & 4 on July 19. Post-tensioned components were installed on courts 2 & 5. We will ne pouring court 2 on 7/24 and court 5 on July 26.
- R. H. Johnson Tennis Restroom addition; Underground plumbing is in progress.
- The ARC Paint Booth project is in progress. L. McIntyre is framing exterior metal.
- R. H. Johnson Directional Signage electrical lighting has been completed.
- R. H. Johnson Monument Signs Project was completed on July 12.
- Palm Ridge Pool Deck Project; Pouring for the concrete floor was completed July 18. The 20+ day concrete drying stage is now in progress.
- The Palm Ridge Monitor Station Project update; Tile flooring was completed July 18. Millwork in progress on July 26.
- The Palm Ridge Parapet walls metal siding for pool building is in progress.
- Pebblebrook Golf Operations Remodel began on 7/12 with demolition. Framing was completed on July 19. Mechanical roughs for HVAC, water, plumbing is in progress.
- R. H. Johnson Social Hall Entry Update; Demolition and concrete floor pour was completed on July 20. Drywall and Storefront installation is in progress.
- R. H. Johnson Activities Center Flooring was completed on July 20.
Facility Maintenance:
- We continue having many HVAC issues with the high temperatures and high humidity rate. Several A/C’s have been having trouble or are underperforming. We are watching this closely as vendors are 4 to 6 weeks out from being able to repair/replace.
- We discussed the Diving Board at Beardsley Pool. Russ Boston is working on the scope of the project.
- The Palm Ridge Pool Building which includes the Walking Track and the Fitness Room closed down on July 19th and the 20th. We reopened the Walking Track and the Fitness Center July 21 until the 29th and will close the entire building again on July 30th and 31st. When open, the hours for the Pool Building are Monday – Friday 5 am to 9 pm and Saturday and Sunday 6 am to 9 pm.
- Our Space Utilization Study has been completed. We are compiling information collected by this Committee and will be presenting those findings to the Governing Board and residents sometime in September 2018. We will provide more details on this as they become available.
- We are talking with North Country Fire and Medical who is looking into initiating a program that provides life jackets for children.
- Recreation Manager, Kristie Riester is attending the APRA (Arizona Parks and Recreation) Conference this week and will be out of the Office Monday, 7/23/18 through 7/26/18. We will be receiving an award at the conference for our Virtual Reality Program at the R. H. Johnson Library.
- Our remaining Summer Series Subscription tickets are $10.00 each for the August 13 (Peter, Paul & Mary Tribute) Show at Palm Ridge.
- Join us for our Sizzling Summer Lineup! These will be a series of smaller shows at the Lecture Hall this summer to help you beat the heat; two of these have been sold out but we have one more show in August and one in September. There will be two shows per day; 1pm & 3pm. Remaining tickets for the Brass Quintet and the String Quartet are priced at $5 each, available at the RHJ Box Office.
Aug 9 – The Kehlers (SOLD OUT)
Aug 23 – The Brass Quintet
Sept 13 – String Quartet
Sports Pavilion:
- Bowling revenue is up 11% for the first 17 days of July as compared to last year. Total Bowling revenue is up 20%. Outside Bowling is up by 60% and 38% of league play is also from outside play.
Village Store:
- The Village Store will be closed beginning Friday, 7/27/18 and reopen on Tuesday, September 4, 2018. During this closure, work will be done on the lighting and replacement of the flooring. The Store will receive a thorough cleaning during shutdown as well.
- Last Wednesday morning 8 ladies from the Creative Stitchers Club demonstrated their craft. Library patrons were very interested and asked them many questions.
- The Puzzlers are making great progress on the Summer Community Puzzle. They opened another 4,000-piece bag of the puzzle and added two more tables for a total of 15 six-foot tables.
- Diana Starbuck installed a new all-in-one touch screen computer catalog in the Library Information Center. The touch screen should make it easier for handicapped patrons to search the library’s catalogs. If patrons respond favorable Diana will replace the one catalog in the Media Department and the four in the kiosk.
General Services:
- We will be revising the Entertainment Pages in the Rec. Center News to refresh the look.
- Our new IT Team Leader started this past Monday. We are pleased to welcome Oliver Littlesalt to the Association.
- We will not be able to publish any new information to our website from Tuesday 7/24 through Monday, 7/30. Our IT Department is in the process of migrating our two different websites together which precludes us from adding or revising content during that time. We will begin posting new and updated information to our website beginning Tuesday, July 31.
Golf Operations:
- The Golf Operations Offices at Pebblebrook Golf Course continue with he re-modeling project. Framing and sheetrock are going up and offices are being defined.
- Pebblebrook Golf Course will be closed from July 26 through August 5.
- Golf Operations Managers will be attending a local golf merchandise show the week of August 6th for one day. The show is in Mesa.
- Golf Operations Supervisor or Desert Trails and Trail Ridge, Paul Halton, is retiring after 10+ years with he Recreation Centers of Sun City West.
- Our Finance Dept. continues working on End-of-Year information that will be provided to the Association Auditor. Our annual audit begins on Monday, July 30, 2018.
Environmental Services:
- Landscape Maintenance has completed the work along the bottom of the Parking lot on RHJ Blvd. Trees and plants, rocks and other landscaping material have been removed and replaced. The Landscaping crew did a great job!
- Desert Trails Golf Course reopened on Tuesday following aerification.
- Pebblebrook Golf Course closes on Thursday, July 26 and reopens on Monday, August 6.
- All the bunkers on the greenside of Stardust Golf Course have been completed. We expect to come under budget with this project as we will not be using as much sand as originally anticipated.
- The area around the recently installed monument sign will be cleaned up by close of business Wednesday, July 25.
- The palm trees at RHJ Pool are being trimmed this week. The new drip irrigation at that location was replace last week.
- Prior to the recent rain fall, we used 77 acre feet more water that last year at the same time. This comes to an increase of 11 acre feet of water per golf course which puts us 14 acre feet of water usage over budget for the month of June. We expect this number to even out a bit once the rainfall amounts for July are taken into account.
Upcoming Events:
August 2018
Aug 13 Beat the heat with cool Summer Series acts. With summer around the corner, it is time to find some fun, indoor events and the Recreation Centers of Sun City West has just the answer – the 2018 Summer Series. This year, the Summer Series will move to the Palm Ridge Rec Center, 13800 Deer Valley Drive. Series subscriptions are $21 per person and are on sale at or at the R.H. Johnson Box Office, 19803 R.H. Johnson Blvd. Individual event tickets are $10 and will be on sale beginning Tuesday, May 8. There will be no ticket refunds or exchanges. All shows are open to the public and begin at 7 p.m. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.
AUG. 13 MacDougal Street West A Peter, Paul & Mary Experience MacDougal Street West: the sounds of Greenwich Village now. They are a Peter, Paul and Mary tribute band for larger venues and for local performances. Our band members consist of Ron Skelton, Mary Alberts, Rick Shore and Bill Rice. The new flowering of a vibrant musical tradition was rooted in Greenwich Village of the early 1960s. Now legendary folk singers and songwriters of that era could first be heard nightly in the cafes stretching along fabled MacDougal Street. Today great folk still lives on in MacDougal Street West. The urban vibe of Greenwich Village emanates now from Arizona and elicits memories of exciting times past and hopes for brighter days ahead. Ron Skelton: Guitar, vocals – Hailing from Lancaster, Calif., Ron loved music performance from an early age. He has been singing and performing with his guitar since his high school days. Coupling with that his experience of barbershop quartet harmonies has made Ron a polished group or solo performer. Mary Alberts: Vocals – Having grown up in the ’60s, Mary Alberts finds particular joy in keeping alive the good vibe of one of her musical heroes, Mary Travers. You can hear and see the affinity between them in the contemporary Mary’s contributions to MacDougal Street West performances. A similar warmth of tone and personality with the original Mary helps listeners harken back to the halcyon days of the Peter, Paul, and Mary experience. Rick Shore: Guitar, vocals – In 1962, Peter, Paul and Mary’s first album was released. After the album, 11-year old Rick asked if he could learn to play guitar and hasn’t stopped learning and playing. From junior high through college, Rick has been in groups that feature his favorite sounds: PPM, Kingston Trio, Beach Boys, Hollies, Buffalo Springfield and CSNY. Bill Rice: Bass, guitar – Bill was born and raised in the “badlands” of eastern Montana, but headed south to Texas in ‘76. He played in several bands in and around Austin for years, finally arriving in Prescott in 1999.
Thurs Aug 9 Sizzling summer specials heat up in Lecture Hall. Join the Recreation Centers of Sun City West for a new format of shows that was offered in the Lecture Hall in July and August as part of our Sizzling Summer Specials. The Kehlers perform Thursday, Aug. 9, in the Lecture Hall. Tickets for the show are available online at or at the Box Office, 19803 N R.H. Johnson Blvd., for the low price of $5. All seats are general admission. Doors will open at 12:30 and 2:30 p.m.
Thursday, August 9 The Kehlers. The Kehlers’ singing and playing style will make your toes tap and your ears smile! For 43 years, Steve and Darlene have been entertaining audiences with a large repertoire of country, folk, bluegrass and gospel favorites. Steve boasts a unique, folksy voice and is a natural on the harmonica, acoustic guitar and mandolin. Darlene accompanies him on bass guitar (she is the only performing female bass player in Sun City West)! The Kehlers are pleased to be joined by guest performer Frank Menolascino on electric guitar. Frank, facility lead at Kuentz Recreation Center, plays a mean guitar that should not be missed. Purchase your tickets now for an afternoon of musical fun and enjoyment!