Recreation Centers
Of Sun City West, Inc.
Date: July 29, 2019
To: RCSCW Governing Board
From: William Schwind, General Manager
Subject: Weekly Activity Report – July 29, 2019
Facility Projects:
- RHJ Parking Lot 2 – FY19-20 Project – Traffic Calming Project completed on 7/24/19.
- Beardsley Aquatics Pool & Spa Liner – FY19-20 Project – Spa Tile was completed 7/29. Installation of the new pebble sheen liner in the Main Pool starts tomorrow, 7/30 with an expected completion date for the liner of 8/3/19.
- Beardsley Card Rooms 1,2,3 – FY18-19 & FY-19/20 Project – painting in progress. The Flooring is scheduled to go in 8/9/19.
- Beardsley Yoga Room 4 – FY18-19 & FY19-20 Project – Remodel was completed 7/26/19. Flooring is now in progress.
- The Beardsley Copper/Glass/Porcelain Rooms Flooring – FY19-20 Project completed 7/21/19.
- Kuentz Liberty Field Shed Foundation – Concrete Pour completed 7-19-19.
- Beardsley Rec. Center – General Energy conservation, LED Conversion – FY18-19 Project Arts & crafts Building; Sagebrush and Photography club Rooms are in progress. The Aquatics Center LED Light Conversion begins August 19 through completion.
- Flooring in the Beardsley Agave Room was completed 7/25/19.
- Desert Trails Pro Shop Parking Lot Seal & Stripe – FY19-20 Project was completed Saturday, 7/27/19.
- Beardsley Pool & Spa Grind and Seal – FY19-20 Project begins August 19 through completion.
- H. Johnson Activity Center – Ping Pong/Racquetball Hardwoods Screen & Seal – FY19-20 Project begins August 19, 2019. The rooms will be closed August 19 through August 25.
- Echo Mesa Pro Shop Roof Replacement – FY19-20 Project begins 7/31/19 and continues for two weeks through 8/16/19.
Facility Maintenance:
- We were hoping to be able to install gas lines during the closure of the Sports Pavilion this summer but it doesn’t look like we will be able to meet that window of opportunity. We are in the process of selecting a vendor to install the lines and have received bids from two.
Recreation Maintenance: (David)
- Just a reminder that Beardsley Pool is closed for major pool and spa renovations and reopens October 1, 2019. So far we think that the Beardsley remodel is looking pretty awesome!
- We now have a contract with Reflective Enterprises to provide massages, fitness and weight training and other health services.
Recreation Activities: (Riley)
- We are in the process of having notification letter templates generated to be uploaded into our CC&R software which will allow our investigators the ability to generate their violation notification letters and pictures right from their IPads. For more information on CC&R’s take a moment to check out our web page using this link: .
- Riley will be meeting with select Clubs to discuss the $3.50 guest fee.
Sports Pavilion:
- We are happy to report that for the first 25 days of July 2019 league play is up 39%, Open Play is up 8% and Total Revenue is up 15%.
- The Sports Pavilion is closed beginning today, 7/29/19 through 8/11/19. The Building will undergo a major cleaning to get ready for the new season this Fall.
- Our Brunswick Scoring System is basically on its last leg. The vendor had performed some maintenance on it to hopefully keep it up and running for another year and at least get us through the Fall season. Each breakdown is very costly as the scoring system equipment we use is no longer available. We are scheduled to have this equipment replaced in the FY 20/21 Budget.
- The Lona King Tournament scheduled for November 8, 9 and 10 can accept 150 bowlers
Village Store:
- The Village Store closes Wednesday, July 31 and will reopen the day after Labor Day which is Sept. 3rd.
- We are compiling Village Store sales information for the month of July.
- We continue planning for the Fall Arts and Crafts Fair scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 2 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
General Services:
- We sent the updated member list out to the Posse.
- The Metal Shop and Wood Shop computer software is working well.
- We started replacing PC’s at the Sports Pavilion while the facility is closed for the summer shutdown. Mike Kohn and Diana Starbuck have been doing a very good job in systematically working through them.
- Multi-Media specialist Martin Aguero has set up the RCSCW Instagram Account which has attracted over 200 followers in 6 months.
- The vendor and staff met to discuss the logistics of installing work pods at the Library. These pods are individual spaces for patrons to comfortably use their own electronic devices. The chairs include a small desktop, electrical outlet for plug-ins and plexiglass for some privacy.
- We continue to work with Arts People to see if we can come up with a way to differentiate the sales of tickets to residents vs. non-residents.
RHJ Library:
- This week the Library will offer Chess for Beginners on Tuesday, Virtual Reality on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday; the last Story Time of the summer on Wednesday; Scrabble on Thursday; and Chess on Friday. Patrons continue working on the second community puzzle and reading for the Summer Reading Club. Library staff members are making significant progress in reviewing inventory.
- We are currently making plans to hold a Chess Tournament at the Library in October.
Financial Services:
- CFO Peter Finelli along with Tim and Karen from his staff conducted several interviews last week and we are in the process of making an offer to the selected candidate for a 9/1 start date.
- Annual Association Audit field work is underway. The 401K Audit has been successfully completed and the Financial Audit continues. Association filings for 401K accounts, income statement and taxes all must be completed by November 15.
- Accounting has several meetings planned with GM Bill Schwind to discuss and review revised cell tower proposals.
- Karen Woods and Tim DeAngelo have been doing a great job reviewing all current fees paid by the Association for services to see where there may be room to lower costs.
- For July 2019 we had 104 APF’s less 8 refunds for a total of 96 APF’s collected. We expect to equal or surpass APF Fees collected for the month of June 2019. Last year for the month of July total APF’s were 106.
- There were 110 resales processed for the month of July 2019.
- The number of members coming in for new member cards/pictures has lessened somewhat but we expect that number to increase with the return of the snowbirds.
Events Planning:
- Individual tickets are available for our remaining Summer Series Program, the Dry Heat Band (8/6). Shows are at 3 and 7 pm at Palm Ridge.
- Check out our Sizzling Summer Series for July and August. Tickets are now on sale! Shows are on various dates with two shows each day, 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. Entertainment includes With a Little Help From My Friends (SOLD OUT), Sentimental Journey and John Gamber (SOLD OUT). Check the Box Office for dates and times.
- Join us for our September Dance on Friday, 9/20 at 7 p.m. at Palm Ridge. Tickets go on sale 8/20/19.
- Our Biennial Garage Sale is set for Saturday, October 19, 2019 at 7 a.m. in the RHJ Parking Lot. Tickets go on sale Tuesday, August 27, 2019. You must be a member of Sun City West to sell at this event but anyone can come to browse and buy!
- Tickets are available for our Fall Fest Concerts scheduled from October 25 through October 27 (Thaddeus Rose”, “The Pettybreakers”, KansAZ”). The location for this event is Beardsley Park. All shows are at 7 p.m.
- Top Hat subscriptions for 2020 are available now. Please check with the Box Office.
Human Resources:
- The State minimum wage increases to $12/hour beginning January 1, 2020.
- HR Management was pleased with the outcome of the 401K Audit recently conducted. We are required to have the Plan restated this year.
Golf Operations:
- Through July 27, revenue and greens fees are up a bit but basically flat compared to last year however, rounds are up 8%.
- Last year at this time we had 6 golf courses open. This year only 5. Deer Valley and Echo Mesa are closed for capital projects.
- We will having an Inventory meeting with the IT and Accounting Departments to discuss improved ways to handle golf inventory, ordering and transfers.
- The job posting for Player Assistants will go out this week. We are looking to hire 7 – 10 new PA’s this year. PA’s will start in mid-October and work until the third week of April. A total of 27 PA’s will be hired.
Environmental Services:
- Desert Trails has been closeed for greens aerification. The course is scheduled to reopen Tuesday, July 30..
- Grandview Golf Course closes for summer greens aerification on Thursday, August 1 and will reopen for play on Tuesday, August 6.
- Echo Mesa Bunker Project Update – Staff finished putting sand in the last green-side bunker on Saturday. Fairway bunkers will be completed this week. Sod preparation and sodding will also continue this week.
- Deer Valley Golf Course Project Update – An additional 300 Tons of fill dirt will be delivered this week. Shaping and irrigation layout will take place next Friday. The new extended tee box on #2 white tee was to be sodded Tuesday, July 30. We completed a core aerification on the fairways. Last Friday. All greens have been enlarged to their original size. The course is almost completely transitioned.
- Transition Update – conditions continue to improve each week. The rain and higher dew points have really helped increase Bermuda grass growth. The 328 golf courses, Trail Ridge, Desert Trails and Deer Valley are almost completely transitioned. The common Bermuda courses, Grandview, Pebblebrook, Stardust and Echo Mesa are still a little behind this year due to the cool spring and late start to the Monsoon season. Staff has been encouraging Bermuda growth by fertilizing, aerification and spot watering.
- Palm Tree Trimming update – We have two courses left to trim, Deer Valley and Pebblebrook. Deer Valley is already underway and Pebblebrook starts the 2nd week of August.
- The Small Dog Park reopened on Monday, July 29th. The new addition will remain closed for one more week. Additional sodding will help out.
- Removal of the ornamental Orange trees along Stardust Blvd. will start later this week.
- Rainfall totals from last Wednesday ranged from .5 to 1.5 inches. The forecast calls for a good chance of monsoon moisture on Tuesday night and Wednesday of this week.
Upcoming Events
July/August Upcoming Events
Event | Event Date | Location | Time | Ticket Sales |
Sizzling Summer – Beatles Tribute | Tuesday, July 30, 2019 | Stardust | 3pm | SOLD OUT |
Summer Series – Dry Heat Band | Tuesday, August 6, 2019 | Palm Ridge | 3&7pm | Still Available |
Sizzling Summer – Sentimental Journey | Tuesday, August 13, 2019 | Stardust | 3pm | Sill Available |
Sizzling Summer – John Gamber | Tuesday, August 27, 2019 | Stardust | 3pm | SOLD OUT |
Current / Upcoming Ticket Sales
Event | Event Date | Location | Time | Ticket Sales |
September Dance | Friday, September 20, 2019 | Palm Ridge | 7pm | Tues, Aug 20, 2019 |
Biennial Garage Sale | Saturday, October 19, 2019 | RHJ | 7am | Tues, Aug 27, 2019 |
Fall Fest | 10-25 thru 10-27 | Beardsley | 7pm | Available Now |
Summer Series | Dry Heat Band – 8/6 | Palm Ridge | 3 & 7pm | Still Available |
Sizzling Summer | Sentimental Journey | Stardust | 3pm | Still Available |
2020 TOP HAT Subscription | Dates Vary 2020 | Palm Ridge | 3 & 7pm | Subscriptions Available NOW |
This week:
Sizzling Summer Concert – Beatles Tribute “A Little Help From my Friends” – SOLD OUT
July 29, 2019
2019/2020 SUBSCRIPTIONS – (Only 700 seats available for subscriptions)
2020 Top Hat Subscriptions 3PM | Palm Ridge | 440 | 62% | Dates Vary |
2020 Top Hat Subscriptions 7PM | Palm Ridge | 691 | 99% | Dates Vary |
2019 Summer Series 3PM | Palm Ridge | 85 | 25% | Date Vary |
2019 Summer Series 7 PM | Palm Ridge | 122 | 36% | Dates Vary |
Summers Series no longer available – Individual Sales now available
2020 Cruise Ship Subscriptions 7PM | Palm Ridge | 700 | 100% | Dates Vary |