With the desert in full bloom, residents can expect to see more bees flitting about, collecting nectar and pollen grains to convert into honey. And that means not only more bee sightings, but also greater potential for injury.

The Rec Centers takes bee issues seriously and encourages members to report any bee issues on the golf courses or other Rec Centers properties to the manager of those facilities who can investigate and decide on the best course of action to keep everyone safe.

One thing to note is that a swarm of bees is different than a hive. Bees can swarm and land in one area for a few hours, and while they might look like they’ve taken up permanent residence, they are usually just resting or waiting for evening to move on. In most cases of a resting swarm, the Rec Centers will rope off the area and put up signs to warn people away. In the case of an aggressive swarm or the formation of a permanent hive, more permanent action will be taken to remove the threat.

Whether it is a swarm or a hive, bees can be aggressive and they are certainly unpredictable. Do not take chances, do not try to investigate on your own, and do not harass them! A docile swarm or hive can turn angry quickly and result in serious harm or death.

Anyone being attacked by a swarm of bees should seek shelter immediately, either in a car or residence. Jumping into a pool or other body of water is not advisable, as the angry bees will wait for their intended victim to emerge for air.

Bees on private property will be the responsibility of the homeowner. For additional information, check out Maricopa County’s “Bee Safe” brochure.