Quiz Show
An idealistic young lawyer (Rob Marrow) working for a Congressional subcommittee in the late 1950s discovers that TV quiz shows are being fixed. His investigation focuses on two contestants on the show “Twenty-One”: Herbert Stempel (John Turturro), a brash workingclass Jew from Queens, and Charles Van Doren (Ralph Fiennes), the patrician scion of one of America’s leading literary families. Based on a true story. (C) (1994) (2h 13m) (R for some Language).
Kuentz R.C. (Johnson Blvd. @ Stardust Blvd.)
$3.00/Person Donation
Program starts at 6:30 P.M. or when all seats filled. (Doors Open @ 5:30 P.M.)
(Hearing assisted devices are now available for your use)
(Closed Captions/Subtitles are shown)
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