Marathon Man
Is it safe? This tense thriller, based on William Goldman’s book, stars Dustin Hoffman as Babe Levy, a Ph.D. candidate who becomes caught in the middle of a dangerous international plot involving Nazis, stolen jewels, and government agents. Laurence Olivier co-stars in a villainous turn as a sinister war criminal. (C) (1976) (2h 5m)
(R for violence).
Kuentz R.C. (Johnson Blvd. @ Stardust Blvd.)
$3.00/Person Donation
Program starts at 6:30 P.M. or when all seats filled. (Doors Open @ 5:30 P.M.)
(Hearing assisted devices are now available for your use)
(Closed Captions/Subtitles are shown)
Please no food or drink in the theater.
Please, no saving of seats