Members, following our two public budget forums and input from residents, Committees and the Board, the proposed FY24 Budget has been updated since it was published in the Rec Center News. (Due to deadline constraints, the version that appears in the Rec News is always preliminary and subject to change before approval by the Board, which takes place at the Board’s May 25 meeting. We encourage you to attend the meeting, which begins 9 a.m. Thursday, May 25, in the Lecture Hall).
Please see the attached Updated Proposed FY24 Budget.
What happens to all the removed equipment?
Example: pool umbrellas.
Did anyone attempt to negotiate a trade in policy on equipment for when the new equipment is purchased?
Hi Annette, any time we have equipment that has remaining value, we do try to sell it or trade it in. In most cases, we use up our equipment so there is very little value to it by the time it comes up on the replacement schedule.
You reference: See golf maintenance tab, but I don’t see the equipment listing for the equipment that is scheduled for replacement.
Hi Ed. All capital equipment purchases, including golf maintenance equipment, can be found on pages 10-15 of the document.
If one looks at the costs predicted for 2027, why are they not projecting the amount the dues will be required then? There are places in the budget that costs can be cut too. Seems like the copy machines is one place($64,882). Might be alternative to using the same brands, and as technology increases other options as well.
Poor choices were made before with floor surface around spas like at Kuentz which necessitates resurfacing much sooner. Is there a volunteer design committe with people in this community that have the necessary background to help prevent such poor choices?
Hi Annette, there are many revenue sources and expenditures that go into the budget, and dues are just one. To project dues out that far would not take into account the cost of goods and services (inflation), home sales, insurance costs and other factors that would impact what the dues are set at to create a balanced budget. The dues are one of the last items to be set.