All Sun City West Owner Members in good standing are eligible, and encouraged, to vote in the Recreation Centers of Sun City West’s Governing Board Election to be held in March.

For your convenience, you can vote online via email – no need to trek to the polling center or if you need to be absent from the community on Election Day. If you haven’t done so in the past, simply sign up prior to 3 p.m. Monday, March 17.

Owner Members who voted online in the last Rec Centers’ Election do not need to sign up again if your email address has not changed. However, you will need to sign up if:
• You share an email address with another Owner Member (each Owner Member is an independent voter so only one ballot is allowed per email address).
• Your email address has changed
• You are unsure if your email is on file. (Please note, just because you receive the Enews does not mean your email is on file with Membership; if in doubt, please sign up.)

To sign up to vote online, email the following information to
• First and last name
• Rec card number
• Preferred email address

Once you sign up before the deadline, you will be emailed a ballot on Thursday, March 20. Your online ballot must be cast by 3 p.m. Thursday, March 27. To help ensure your ballot does not get caught in spam, add to your email address book or “safe senders” list or check your spam/junk folder if you do not see your ballot by end of day March 20.

Homebound Voting is also available to our Owner Members who are homebound and need assistance with voting. To request Homebound Voting, call the Governing Board Executive Assistant Karen Roepken at 623-544-6115 prior to 3 p.m. Wednesday, March 17.

In person voting will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday, March 31, in the Library’s Data Resource Center.

We encourage all our eligible voters to vote in our Governing Board Election. Your Governing Board is responsible for setting policy for the Association and is comprised of nine volunteer Directors elected to serve three-year terms.

Each year we elect three new members to replace the outgoing Directors. This year, members will also select a fourth Director to complete the final year in a term previously vacated due to a Director resignation. Candidate bios as well as additional information and dates about the Election will be posted online at and in the February Rec Center News. A Candidate Forum and a Meet and Greet will also be conducted in March.