The Recreation Centers of Sun City West Governing Board will hold a special meeting at 9 a.m. Thursday, June 10, in the Lecture Hall, as three Directors are contesting the results of the Board’s election of officers.
Directors Louis Mancuso, Sharon Hettick and Lisa Vines have formally requested the meeting, per the Bylaws 4.09, which allows two members to provide written notice to call for a special meeting.
Mancuso provided Board President George Kuchtyak with the written notice following a contentious four-hour Governing Board Workshop on June 4. The three Directors are contesting the April 22 Organizational Meeting vote in which the incoming 2021-22 Board selected Sue Fitzsimons as president, Donna Maloney as vice president, Anne Brown as treasurer, and Lisa Vines as secretary.
The April 22 organization vote was by secret ballot.
Specifically, the Directors claim former Director Bob Carneiro later moved from the community so the vote should be invalidated. Carneiro announced at the May 20 Governing Board meeting that he was resigning effective June 1, for personal reasons.
The Association’s attorney has stated Carneiro’s vote was valid and the election should stand.
This Thursday’s meeting is open to the community and will be broadcast on YouTube. (Visit, then go to the Playlists tab and look for the June Committee and GB Meetings to find previous or upcoming meetings.)
Oh come on people. Why can’t we even get along in our own neighborhood? Why does everything have to be a big messy fight.
Agree completely with Carol Berka. Everyone has their own agenda now-a-days. Let’s work together for the betterment of our community!
Are we going to replace BOB C.? If so, when? Perhaps as a compromise, the current proposed officers can assume the offices until we replace Bob. Then have another election of officers. I do think Bob should have disclosed his move and the remainder of the board decide together on how to move forward until we have a complete board.
SCW needs a board working together to improve our community and solve our problems.
Sounds like personal agendas and differences are getting in the way of effective governance of RCSCW. The Board members’s behavior is particularly egregious in light of the serious tax issues facing the organization. If Board members can’t put their personal agendas and grievances aside, they should immediately resign so new members with the right focus and priorities can be elected. There is no defensible excuse for the behavior of the current Board members.
No , absolutely not to opening clubs to public. You will lose residents.
Agree 100%. That’s why I moved here.
The vote secret vote taken to elect the new president appears to be fraudulent. This cannot stand. It clearly states that only members can vote, and technically not all were members. I believe a re-vote is in order.
Clearly you do not understand the bylaws of SCW.
I came to Sun City West because of the community atmosphere. I do not want to see SCW opened up for the use of the general public. If this becomes a free for all why continue to live here. It sounds as if there are personal agendas flaring up for unknown reasons. I believe that if 3 members do not care for the composition on the board they should resign. I voted for specific people to be on the Board I did not vote for them to hold certain positions. I believe it has been the norm for the elected board to determine who will serve in specific board offices(duties). If the results of the election is not overturned then I believe the 3 board members who made the call should resign. We need people focused on the needs of the community not on their petty/personal agendas
SCW residents: This sounds like a repeat of our November election. We the people have elected WHO we want to represent us. If you don’t attend to learn all the FACTS, then you have no right to complain if our community is radically changed. Watching the stream isn’t enough. Please ATTEND the meeting to show your support.
WHAT ARE YOU THINKING GOV. BOARD MEMBERS ????? YOU need to move elsewhere.
Having watched the two meetings in question on YouTube and reading thru the minutes and notes, I worry that there is some ‘over reaction’ within the community. Clearly the issue of opening the clubs to non-residents is just a ‘discussion’ and could not happen without a vote by members … so if there are rumors going around about this – please do your part to stop the false rumors. Bob Carneiro was a valid member of the board when the April vote was taken … so I appreciate and agree with the Association’s attorney that vote was valid and the election should stand – and I appreciate as well, the vote taken by the board today that the April vote should stand. I want to thank members of the board for the great job they have done and are doing … helping to manage our large and diverse community is no small task!
I understand the concern of the community about opening clubs to outsiders, but what should be the top concern is getting each clubs tax status straightened out so they are no longer in IRS violation. The ramifications of these invalid tax statuses could be devastating to this entire community
One thing is clear. The actions of several of the directors have placed them in the spotlight within the community. Personally, as a result of their actions I will now be attending every governing board meeting to specifically watch these directors. I would encourage other owner members to also attend.
I would also request that everyone become involved in attending or watching the YouTube presentations. But NOT to watch certain directors, but to make sure the entire board is taking action on our most venerable issues. Like the non-compliance of charters clubs following the 501(c)7 rules. I would hop that our General Managing team would be the ones to resolve this problem
I watched the June 4th & 10th meetings and think most of the residents making comments on June 10th have been mislead by thinking our community is going to be “open to the public”. Unfortunately this wasn’t nipped in the bud by the board President. The big issue here folks is that many of the charter clubs are in violation of the IRS 501(c) 7 rules and this was only discovered when a new club had an outside CPA/Attorney complete their tax report. As I understand it this CPA would not sign off on the report as it was not compliant with the by-laws and the IRS non-profit rules. Therefore one of the Directors offered an alternative plan that SCGrand uses. That would be to have everything under one SCW umbrella and issue 1099’s for those club members that are making income from their crafts. The club’s initial intent was to make “craft” projects for one’s own use, NOT for it’s members to derive a second income. This has to be taken care of ASAP. If not handled, we residents may have an IRS problem on our hands, and that, nobody wants. This has been known for at least 3 months, and I would think our General Manager, Financial officer and SCW attorneys would have offered a solution by now.