From time to time, we get questions from our residents about what we’re doing to conserve water in light of concerning news about drought conditions in the Southwest. The Rec Centers have been water conscious for many years, incorporating important changes into our regular operations and capital improvement plans. We also work closely with the Arizona Department of Water Resources to ensure we are in compliance with current regulations while also preparing for future ones.

To help keep residents informed, General Manager Bill Schwind and staff have compiled the list below to help illustrate the Rec Centers’ water conservation efforts.  


  • Whenever one of our recreational amenities is scheduled to receive an upgrade, low usage water devices are incorporated into the planned upgrades of those amenities.
  • Common devices that are often used are water saving flush valves, low usage water fixtures in our toilets, faucets and low usage shower heads in our locker rooms.
  • Water leak repairs are done as quickly as possible.

Golf Courses

Repairs, replacements and removals

  • Over the past several years, residents may have noticed the improvements made to the lakeshores at many of our golf courses. These repairs aided us in water retention and have improved a few deficiencies in irrigation.
    • They also helped to improve the aesthetics and playability of the golf courses!
  • Older sprinkler heads, nozzles and climate control devices have been replaced, helping us reduce water usage and better monitor things such as rain, humidity and evaporation rates.
  • Over the next two years, our conservation efforts at golf courses will receive an incredible boost as the replacement of the entire Grandview golf course irrigation system will begin.
    • These planned replacements for our golf courses will help modernize the delivery of water, replacing a 40-year-old system that has efficiency issues.
  • Scheduled turf removal in the non-playable areas of our courses and general landscape improvements will help reduce water usage.

Observing, planning and training

  • We study and assess all of our golf courses to refine the areas that get overseeded during the winter months.
  • Modified irrigation schedules are in place to help accommodate the low infiltration rates of our soil. These schedules help ensure good infiltration and reduce runoff.
  • Water usage is tracked through weekly water reports.
    • You can’t manage what you can’t measure!
  • A water budget and drought management plan have been developed to help us navigate the current situation and whatever the future may hold.
  • During heaving rains, storm water is transferred to golf course irrigation lakes.
  • Water management training is provided to our employees.

Additional water conservation notes about our golf courses can be found by clicking here.

Additional Information for residents

  • There are two water delivery methods used in Sun City West, residential delivery and groundwater.
    • Sun City West golf courses are irrigated with groundwater, which is regulated and monitored by the Arizona Department of Water Resources.
  • The next sets of rules pertaining to the usage of permitted groundwater are expected to be delivered in 2023 and 2025.
  • As far as potable drinking water is concerned, EPCOR is the service provider for the Rec Centers. Any regulatory changes or mandated water conservation measures will be handled via the State of Arizona through them.
    • Any new conservation measures would affect our amenities and how we manage them.
    • Every residential unit served by EPCOR would also be affected.
  • The Recreation Centers of Sun City West has no jurisdiction over residential water use on private property.