Download October 2020 Edition of the Rec Center News
The Rec Center News is an official publication of the Recreation Centers of Sun City West. It is printed by Independent Newspapers and published monthly. It is available at all Recreation Center facilities as well as being delivered with the Sun City West Independent the last Wednesday of each month. The Independent is delivered free to all Sun City West residents. Call 623-972-6101 to start delivery.
Card rooms need to be opened now – with certain safety features given. There is no reason we can’t get back.
Have you made plans to opening clubs, swimming pools in Jan 2021? Am planning winter visit if things are open
When do u plan on letting us take guests to the pools?
There should be a credit to the fees that members have paid in 2020. We paid $950+ with no access to the facilities for most of the year
So much of our amenities are taken away and we still pay???
With that logic, it would therefore follow that seasonal residesents only pay 50% of Association fees.
Can family visitors access any of our facilities except golf?
Pickleball, bocce, miniature golf etc.
Hi Joe. At the moment, we are not allowing guests into our facilities.
I am losing interest in paying for the upkeep of facilities that are not available on the same basis that I originally agreed to. It may be the only choice available to the rec centers but this is not something I can support on an ongoing basis. Might be time to relocate and use the rec money for a pool for the grandkids and a workout room for Grandma and Grandpa. Respectfully.
Those of us who pay dues and come to Sun City West every winter expect the facilities and our guests to be welcomed. It is not reasonable to not include everyone in our community access due to fear. In the cities we leave..there are safety measures and public health guidelines everyone adheres to to prevent spread of infection.
I highly recommend the leadership educate themselves on how to allow people to continue to use the destination community that SCW is to serve all owner members. If you do not allow access as agreed to in membership agreements, and unwillingness to adopt standards which are now “normal” and we live daily..you will find pushback and possibly legal action.
When will we be able to have family guests enjoy the facilities?
I am not sure who to contact but maybe this can be forwarded to the right person. I walk the Javelina trail 5 days a week and the tree branches are hanging very low causing walkers and bicyclists to maneuver around them. I am hoping they can be trimmed. Thank you.
Hi Margaret. Thank you for notifying us of this. We’ll pass it along to our maintenance crew.
Why have the large dogs been kicked out of the dog park? I know the small dog park is being seeded but, why can’t we share? We shared when the small dog park was being renovated, why not now? I pay my dues so I am just as entitled to use the dog park as anyone else. This is very unfair.
There are many seniors after being moved while they are seeding the small dog park RH Johnson who cannot social distance due to lack of benches .how can 25 or more sit 6ft apart with few benches ,and no they can’t stand for very long some have canes,some just can’t .if you go in you will see them huddling together just to sit waiting for their dogs .In planning to close the large area you needed to move more benches in the area you sent them to..the hrs are from 630am to 7.30 am Please help these people .thanks
I don’t understand why guests are still not allowed in the outdoor amenities. We have residents coming back from all over the country and they’re considered safer than guests? Don’t get it!
Not sure why we are not allowing adult guests at our pools, in particular the outdoor ones since they are outdoors. I can understand maybe not allowing guests in to the indoors ones, but outdoors makes no sense. I am talking adult guests not children. Thank you,
When will the Kuentz Center pool reopen. Seems like it’s bee closed for a year with the exception of a few days.
Kuentz outdoor pool was closed for six months during renovation of neighboring indoor space. (nothing related to the pool) The pool sat empty, even though there is an external gate entrance swimmers could have used (and outside separate bathroom/shower). So from October 2019 to March 2020, the pool was closed to swimming, (open a few days in that six month period) then closed the next six months for COVID. Then finally, after a year, they announce the pool would be open this October, nope, they decided after a year of no access, to change the pool deck surface….and it is still not open. Apparently it will now be closed to oversee and correct problems with the deck surface. I hope management will open the pool soon and keep this facility available for swimmers.
I share the frustration of all of our SCW residents, whether permanent or winter visitors. Our Rec. Board in their infinite wisdom, have chosen to keep many of our clubs and activities closed even after reopening proposals were accepted describing very cautious adherence to CDC guidelines. Being cautious is one thing, but outright fear and paranoia serves no one. Mental health is also important. Isolation endangers it. Please open the facilities.
Is there a date that we are looking to allow guests? With the holidays approaching, we’re all going to have guests and it would be nice to offer pools.
I am trying to find the rules on guests, especially on the Beardsley mini golf area. My husband and I cannot do much because of his health so we use the golf twice a day. Almost every time we go there in the morning there are children playing golf and sometimes a women in her 30’s with children running all over, playing with NO clubs just tossing the ball around. I thought no guests were allowed but she said there are no rules??? I just want to abide by what the rules are during this horrible time.
I haven’t been able to find out if Beardsley Rec Center is open
How do I get answer to questions??
Hi Jana. The Beardsley Rec Center was reopened on Sept. 21.
The disabled parking @ Palm Ridge has been unavailable for more than a week. When will it reopen?