Recreation Centers
Of Sun City West, Inc.
Date: October 7, 2019
To: RCSCW Governing Board
From: William Schwind, General Manager
Subject: Weekly Activity Report – October 7, 2019
Facility Projects: (Karl)
- Palm Ridge Energy LED Conservation – Interior Lighting Conversion to LED fixtures is in progress by vendor through completion.
- Echo Mesa Pro Shop Parking Lot Mill and Resurface Project is in progress. Unstable soils have been removed, new Aggregate Base has been imported and compacted and is ready for completion on 10-12-19. Environmental Services Manager Todd Patty requested 10/12/19 as the completion date due to the over-seeding schedule on the golf courses.
- Palm Ridge Stained Glass/Computers West Club Renovation is in progress – Demolition is complete. Framing and Mechanical trades work is in progress by vendor.
- Kuentz Pool and Spa Liner Replacement project – Demolition by vendor is in progress.
- Beardsley Pool & Spa Deck Resurfacing – due to reports of slippery conditions on the deck, the vendor returned on 10-3, removed textured epoxy surface and reapplied a higher-level grit surface with a new epoxy coat. This was completed 10-6.
- Karl will be meeting with Staff Managers this week to go over Five-Year Line Items and make any adjustments as necessary.
- We plan to do a walk of the Large Dog Park with plans in hand in the next week or so.
Facility Maintenance: (Russ)
- Beardsley Aquatics Spa Update – We’ve submitted paperwork to the vendor and are waiting for the manufacturer to finish building our flue and hope to have it installed and the Spa back up and running by the end of this week.
- The vendor put down a heavier grit on the Beardsley Pool Deck.
- We are still having “climate” issues as some A/C units are not in sync and “talking” to the System. The Sales Rep. will be contacting the manufacturer to see if they can assist in resolving the issue.
- There was a lighting issue in the R.H. Johnson Parking Lot with a burned-out contact and wiring which affected the lighting from RHJ Parking Lot to Meeker Mountain. We are working to repair it.
- The Kuentz Facility is being painted and should be completed next week.
Recreation: (David)
- The initial dispenser/chemical transition with our new supplier is complete. We are working with staff on generating re-ordering forms for new and additional products.
- A new “Signage” TV has been installed at Social Hall West. This will be available to advertise for Events, Tours, Clubs, etc.
- We scheduled a Fitness Equipment Demonstration focusing on training and exercise for Tuesday, 10-8 at 2:00 p.m. This session can accommodate 12 people. We will add a 2nd session if enough people sign up.
Recreation Activities: (Riley)
- If you are looking for information on CC&Rs, take a moment to check out our web page and FAQs using this link: .
- Notices have been sent out for the Chartered Club Officer’s Meeting coming up at the beginning of next month.
- For those new to the community or those who have been here forever but just want to learn more about the latest and the greatest here in Sun City West, please join us for our Nov. 17 Newcomers Coffee in the R.H. Johnson Social Hall.
- The CC&Rs Dept. will have a section in the Rec. Centers news beginning with the November issue. To keep up with the latest information on CC&Rs, we encourage all property owners to take the time to check it out.
Village Store:
- We held a Craft Fair Meeting with participating Clubs last Thursday. We are in the process of setting up the layout with Don Crumley for this event. Two clubs did not attend the meeting and will be provided the information at a later date.
Sports Pavilion:
- Over the weekend we hosted the CBE Junior/Senior Doubles Tournament. We initially had 114 bowlers entered but ended up with 166 participants. The First Prize originally $5,000 went up to $7,000. Congratulations go out to Tracy Dumas for bowling a perfect 300 game! This brings us to three 300 games for this year. The Team average score for 12 games was 223. Overall it was a great Tournament.
- For the first week of October, League Play is up 4%, Open Bowling is up 11%, Bowling Revenue is up 10% and Refreshments are up 27% compared to last year for the same time period. Total Revenue is up 18%. Controlled Neighborhood Play Card sales are up $2,400.
- The Lona King Tournament is scheduled for the 8th , 9th & 10th of The maximum for this event is 150 bowlers.
General Services:
- The advertisements we generated and placed on Face Book for Grandview Pro shop appear to have reached their audience. Grandview Pro Shop reported the sale of several of the new water bottles that had been advertised on Face Book.
- The Election Committee is already beginning work on the Governing Board Election scheduled for March of 2020. Petitions for those interested in running for the Board are available for pickup beginning Nov. 1, 2019.
- Our scheduled server upgrade went well.
- We’ve had some minor printer issues with the Microsoft update that are being addressed and resolved.
- We have now made it possible for Member Services Specialists to reprint member cards from their stations instead of having to go to the data card equipment to print them.
- With the Recreation Centers’ permission, a local photographer was permitted access to our facilities to take stock photos promotional advertising purposes for local realtors.
RHJ Library:
- Introductory/Basic Smart Phone classes covering iPhones and Android phones were presented at the library last Thursday. Seventeen people attended.
- Four Brody WorkLounge Pods were delivered and installed at the library were installed in the Information Center of the library on Thursday, October 3. They provide semi-private seating for library patrons who wish to work on their own mobile devices.
- The library’s second Chess Tournament was held at the library last Saturday. This was a relaxed, nonofficial competition. Gregg Griffith as the winner of this competition. Congratulations Gregg!
- The R.H. Johnson Library now offers Gale DK Eyewitness Travel eBooks. These are NOT part of our OverDrive eBook collection. You access the Gale Travel eBooks either inhouse on the Information Center Online Reference computers or remotely by first checking on “Online Catalog” and logging into your library account. At your homepage, you will see Gale Travel eBooks as a line below the ValueLine and Universal class links. You may read a whole book while online, download sections of a book and even send selected sections to your Google Drive Account.
Financial Services:
- Our Reserve Study will begin on December 1, 2019. We will have to include the first phase of the Reserve Study in our Budget planning. CFO Pete Finelli will meet with staff to go over their line items.
- Pete will also be reviewing Capital Spending line items with each of the Staff Managers.
- We completed interviews, selected a candidate and made an offer for the open Analyst’s position. Michael Box accepted our offer and will be starting with our Financial Services Dept. near the end of October.
- The B&F Committee will be performing a line by line review of Governing Board “Fi” Policies to make any necessary revisions and to provide clarity.
- For the month of September 2019 there were 101APFs with 12 refunds for a total of 89 which is 10 more than last year for the same time period. In September 2018 the total collected was 79.
- For the first 4 days of October we’ve had 22 APFs with 2 refunds for a total of 20.
- We plan to make an offer on the Seasonal Membership Clerk position today. If the candidate accepts the offer, we hope to have them start mid next week.
Events Planning:
- The White Castle Pop Up that took place last week was very successful. 1,000 White Castle Hamburgers were given away at this promotional event.
- Our first Concert in the Park last week attracted over 2,000 people. Faded Jeans provided the entertainment. We ran out of concessions as we are normally prepared to serve 800 to 1,000 concert goers but attendance was twice what we anticipated. Our next concert is Saturday, October 12 and features Desert Knights.
- 500 people attended Pom’s, our first Movie in the Park of the season last Sunday. Our next Movie in the Park is Rocketman on Sunday, October 13.
- Tickets are available for our Fall Fest Concerts scheduled from October 25 through October 27 (Thaddeus Rose”, “The Pettybreakers”, KansAZ”). The location for this event is Beardsley Park. All shows are at 7 p.m.
- Our Veteran’s Day POPS Concert on Tuesday, Nov. 11 at Beardsley is Sold Out!
- Tickets are available for our “Roundup Dance – 5 in the Wheel” being held on November 15 at 7 p.m., Palm Ridge and our New Year’s Eve Dance, December 31 at 7:30 p.m. also at Palm Ridge.
- Watch for more news on our “BBQ Taste of Paradise Challenge” which is a Southwest National BBQ Competition. We anticipate having at least 30 entries at this event. It will take place in the R.H. Johnson Parking Lot on March 7, 2020. The parking lot will be blocked off beginning Thursday 3-05-19 through Sunday 03-08-19.
- Individual Tickets for our Top Hat and Cruise Ship Events are available for purchase.
Human Resources:
- We are posting for the Position of HR Clerk.
- Employees will be required to enroll for next year’s benefits through the Pay Com System.
- Staff Managers have been asked to get revised job descriptions back to HR for review.
- Environmental Services is currently down 16 greens keepers. Four of those occurred last week.
Golf Operations:
- Revenue and Rounds are up 40% over prior year for the first week of October. This number is temporary due to course closures and openings for overseeding. Grandview was open both years and it is up 50%.
- The Arizona Golf Association is re-rating the Stardust Golf Course today. It is a requirement to do this every10 years to keep your golf handicap legitimate. We will be paying the AGA $1,000 for this service with Echo Mesa being re-rated later this month after the bunker renovation s completed.
- Player Assistant Meetings will be held on Tuesday and Thursday evening of this week at 5 p.m. in the R.H. Johnson Lecture Hall to discuss the 2019-2020 golf season. PAs will start patrolling golf courses on Monday, October 21 with the new hires scheduled to go through training in mid-October and have 3-4 ride-alongs with veteran PAs in early November.
- Call Center employees have training on Friday, October 11 at 1 p.m. Seven temporary part time employees make up the Call Center and will start work on Monday, October 14. They are scheduled to work from 7 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday.
- Entries for the “Turkey Shoot” Night Putting Event on Friday, November 15 were collected Monday morning starting at 7 a.m. Due to the nature of the event we limit this tournament to the first 72 players. We will be sold out in the next few days. We take sign-ups for our events starting 6 weeks in advance. Entry forms went out Saturday morning and a line was forming Monday morning at 6:30 a.m.
- Preventive maintenance on our cart fleet is still in progress. Rick Brooks just completed the Pebble Golf Course cart fleet leaving Grandview Golf Course as the last fleet to be completed. This is done every year during course closures and has helped us extend the life expectancy of our carts. We have 150 Fleet vehicles. The average age of a fleet cart is 4 years old. The average age of our fleet carts is 9 years old. Thanks for the great job Rick!
Environmental Services:
- Golf Course Overseeding Update – At the first four courses, Deer Valley, Desert Trails, Echo Mesa and Pebblebrook, we will start making first cuts this week. These Courses are scheduled to reopen on Tuesday, October 22. An aside note on overseeding; when all is said and done we will have put down about 335,300 pounds of seed averaging about 600 – 700 pounds per acre.
- Landscape Maintenance Overseeding Update:
- The Softball Field will make first cut Monday, Oct. 7. The Field will reopen a week from today on Monday, Oct. 14.
- The Great Lawn as R.H. Johnson will mow for the first time Monday, Oct. 7 and reopen on Monday, Oct. 14.
- The ARC lawn was seeded last Wednesday, Oct. 2.
- The Small Dog Park will be ready to mow later this week and is scheduled to reopen on Wednesday, Oct. 16.
- The lawn areas at Palm Ridge will be reseeded this week
- Beardsley Park overseeding will begin Nov. 4
- We will begin planting winter flowers in early Nov.
Upcoming Events
October Upcoming Events
Event | Event Date | Location | Time | Ticket Sales |
FREE Concert in Park – Desert Knights | Saturday, October 12, 2019 | Beardsley | 7pm | NO TICKETS NEEDED |
FREE Movie in Park – Rocketman | Sunday, October 13, 2019 | Beardsley | Dusk | NO TICKETS NEEDED |
FREE Concert in Park – Real Thing Band | Saturday, October 21, 2019 | Beardsley | 7pm | NO TICKETS NEEDED |
FRE Movie in Park – Dogs Purpose | Sunday, October 22, 2019 | Beardsley | Dusk | NO TICKETS NEEDED |
FREE Octoberfest – OOMPA | Wednesday, October 23, 2019 | RHJ Great Lawn | 6pm | NO TICKETS NEEDED |
Fall Fest | 10-25 thru – 10-27 | Beardsley | 7pm | Available Now |
Current / Upcoming Ticket Sales
Event | Event Date | Location | Time | Ticket Sales |
Biennial Garage Sale | Saturday, October 19, 2019 | RHJ | 7am | Available Now |
Fall Fest | 10-25 thru 10-27 | Beardsley | 7pm | Available Now |
Veterans Day Concert – Pops | Tuesday, November 11, 2019 | Palm Ridge | 2pm | SOLD OUT |
Roundup Dance – 5 in the Wheel | Friday, November 15, 2019 | Palm Ridge | 7pm | Available Now |
New Years Eve Dance | Tuesday, December 31, 2019 | Palm Ridge | 7:30pm | Available Now |
TOP HAT – Uptown | Thursday, January 9, 2020 | Palm Ridge | 3 & 7pm | Available Now |
TOP HAT – Shashaty | Thursday, February 13, 2020 | Palm Ridge | 3 & 7pm | Available Now |
TOP HAT – Jump Jive & Wail | Thursday, February 27, 2020 | Palm Ridge | 3 & 7pm | Available Now |
TOP HAT – Aretha | Thursday, March 12, 2020 | Palm Ridge | 3 & 7pm | Available Now |
CRUISE SHIP – Ping Brothers | Friday, January 10, 2020 | Palm Ridge | 7pm | Available Now |
CRUISE SHIP – Tod Oliver & Friends | Friday, January 24, 2020 | Palm Ridge | 7pm | Available Now |
CRUISE SHIP – AZ Trio | Friday, February 7, 2020 | Palm Ridge | 7pm | Available Now |
CRUISE SHIP – Adel Experience | Friday, February 21, 2020 | Palm Ridge | 7pm | Available Now |
CRUISE SHIP – Black Market Trust | Friday, March 6, 2020 | Palm Ridge | 7pm | Available Now |
CRUISE SHIP – Fair Child Blues | Friday, March 20, 2020 | Palm Ridge | 7pm | Available Now |
Vox Fortura | Tuesday, January 14, 2020 | Palm Ridge | 7pm | October 15, 2019 |
Holiday Show – Uptown Angels & MacDougal Street West | Wednesday, December 11, 2019 | Palm Ridge | 3 & 7pm | October 22, 2019 |
Spring Fest | 3-14 thru 3-16 | Beardsley | 7pm | October 29, 2019 |
Concert in the park this weekend was Faded Jeans with over 2000 people! Concert was well received!
Movie in the Park was Pom’s and had about 500 people!
BBQ – SCW BBQ Taste of Paradise Challenge
SAVE THE DATE – March 7, 2020
Ticket Sales
October 7, 2019
2019/2020 SUBSCRIPTIONS – (Only 700 seats available for subscriptions)
Subscriptions No Longer Available
2020 Cruise Ship Subscriptions 7PM | Palm Ridge | 700 | 100% | Dates Vary |
2020 Top Hat Subscriptions 3PM | Palm Ridge | 481 | 68% | Dates Vary |
2020 Top Hat Subscriptions 7PM | Palm Ridge | 694 | 99% | Dates Vary |
Where do we get the stock photos to be used by Realtors?