Recreation Centers
Of Sun City West, Inc.
Date: November 20, 2017
To: RCSCW Governing Board
From: Mike Whiting, General Manager
Subject: Weekly Activity Report – November 20, 2017
Facility Projects:
- RHJ Parking Lot Lighting Section 1 & 2 replacement began 11/14/17 with existing light pole foundation engineering inspections. Installation of 2 new concrete foundations in front of the south side of the Sports Pavilion on 11/20 through 12/01, to be followed by the replacement of 30 light poles and lighting heads from the Library parking lot to the Activity Center.
- RHJ Silvercraft painting begins on 12/20/17.
- Kuentz Craft room #5 cabinet refacing begins 11/27/17. This room will be closed until 12/05/17.
- The Kuentz Tile Roof Felt Replacement and Parapet walls repair is in progress through 12/08 for the entire complex.
- Sports Pavilion Flat Roof replacement is in progress and continues through 11/21/17.
Facility Maintenance:
- We are still waiting on filter replacement parts for Beardsley Pool. Once the parts are available, we will be closing Beardsley Pool for one day to make the filter repairs. We expect this to take place in the next week or so.
- All outdoor drinking fountain electrical connections have been updated.
- Our next “So You Think You Have Talent” is scheduled for 11 a.m. at the Kuentz Courtyard on Nov. 21 featuring singer Bob Hamilton.
- Our next Jam Session is from 1 – 3 p.m. at the Kuentz Courtyard today, Nov. 27. Join us for two hours of entertainment where you can sit back, relax and enjoy the music!
- Santa Paws arrived at the Small and Large Dog Parks at the R. H. Johnson Rec. Center on Thursday Nov. 16 for the Santa Paws photo opportunity. The event was well received with lots of our four-legged friends there to have their picture taken with Santa.
- The King’s Carolers perform on Wed., Nov. 29 at 6 p.m. on the Great Lawn at R. H. Johnson. This event is free and open to Sun City West residents and their invited guests. Free cookies and cocoa will be served. Be sure to bring your own chairs. The King’s Carolers are a highly trained professional singing group out of Arizona who will wow you and warm your hearts with your favorite Christmas songs and carols. Join your friends and neighbors for this unique, uplifting holiday event.
- We will be meeting this week with Dig Studios regarding entrance signs and plans for the Dog Park.
- Saturday, Dec. 02 there will be a groundbreaking for the ARC Paint Booth at 10:00 a.m.
Sports Pavilion:
- Sunday’s Special brought in $711.
- 43 attended NFL Sunday.
- Bob Reed of the Late Starter’s League bowled a 300 game this weekend. Congratulations Bob! Way to go!
- On Wednesday, Nov. 15 Carol Strazer presented a second writing workshop, How to Publish at the R. H. Johnson Library. Both of her workshops were well received with glowing feedback.
- The Library will be closed for Thanksgiving on Thursday, November 23 and Friday, Nov. 24 but will be open on Saturday, Nov. 25.
- We will present a story time for visiting grandchildren and their families at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 25 at the Library. After the stories, kids will make and take home a craft project plus receive Library souvenirs (stickers and bookmarks).
General Services;
- The President of TotalE Golf was here last week to review software with staff and discuss software upgrades and e-commerce.
- We have established an email address that Sun City West residents should use to request the ability to vote on-line in the March 2018 Governing Board Election. For those interested, please send an email to which should include the member’s name, Member No. and unique email address that the invitation can be sent to. Members who are also employees must use a personal email address and NOT use their work-related email address. More details will be provided in the near future.
- Another TORCH Class graduated last week. Congratulations to all! The projects you presented were very well thought out and well presented. Thanks to everyone involved!
- The BBC was here at Sun City West on Sat, Nov. 18 doing a documentary on Longevity and Healthy Lifestyles. They were filming at the ARC Club, Pickleball Courts and Lawn Bowls. They also visited several other major cities, so we are not sure how much time will be given to SCW until it is edited and completed. The film is to be aired Dec. 18 and the BBC will provide us a link so we can view the completed story.
Environmental Services:
- We will be cutting the lawn for the first time after overseeding at Beardsley Park. We are on track to reopen the Park on Dec. 01.
- We will be setting out the Christmas Poinsettias in the R. H. Johnson Administration Bldg. Monday of next week.
Golf Operations:
- For the first 19 days in November, golf is up 100 rounds for the same period in November 2016 and about $8,500 up in revenue.
- 72 golfers participated in our night putting Turkey Shoot tournament on Nov. 17 at Echo Mesa. All couples entered receive a turkey. Seven couples donated their turkey to the St. Vincent DePaul Food Bank.
- Our popular Night Golf Tournament scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 9 at Pebblebrook Golf Course is sold out. 104 golfers have signed up for this nine-hole scramble. There will be a Door Prize Raffle with all proceeds going to Meals on Wheels here in SCW.
- There will be a Men’s Team, Round Robin Match Play Tournament December 16 & 17 at Deer Valley. This event has been sold out!
Upcoming Events:
Every Tue at Kuentz SO YOU THINK YOU HAVE TALENT! 11 am at Kuentz Courtyard. Join us for our 7th Season high-liting many new acts and “all your old favorites!”
Nov 21-Singer Bob Hamilton
Nov. 28 – Singer/guitarist Bud Parker, with his great voice and music.
For questions or information, contact Dori Miller at 623-544- 6193. This event is FREE!
Mon, Nov 27 JAM SESSION, 1-3 pm, Kuentz Courtyard. Join us on from 1 to 3 p.m. for two hours of entertainment in the Kuentz Courtyard. Join in or just sit back and relax and enjoy the music. This starts our third season. For questions or information, contact Dori Miller at 623- 544-6193.
Sat Nov 18 CHARTER CLUB OPEN HOUSE-PALM RIDGE, 10 am – 12 noon. Find out what fantastic clubs operate at Palm Ridge Recreation Center. The clubs that have rooms will be working, so that you can see firsthand what they do. Pickleball will have the Summit Hall B set up for residents to come in, check it out and try the sport (wear gym shoes) to see what it’s all about. Computer West will be in their room plus the Palo Verde and the Acacia rooms. Refreshments will be served. For questions call Dori Miller at 623-544-6193.
Wed Nov 29 THE KING’S CAROLERS, 6 pm, The Great Lawn at RH Johnson, This free event is open to Sun City West residents and guests. Free cookies and cocoa will be served. Be sure to bring your own chairs. The “King’s Carolers” are the preeminent group of professional Christmas carolers in Arizona. Their highly trained professional singers will wow you and warm your hearts with your favorite Christmas songs and carols. You may have seen the King’s Carolers last year at the Desert Botanical Gardens Luminarias, Taliesin West, Butterfly Wonderland or any number of parties and events across the Valley. They are the only group of carolers in Arizona staffed entirely by professional musicians. Join your friends and neighbors for this unique, uplifting holiday event.
I submitted a list of suggestions as a regular user of the Dog Park some time ago. Did you place them promptly in file 13? It is ok, and probably wise to get outside opinion on plans for the park but I see no evidence that user input has been taken into consideration!
Hello Dudley. Sorry for the delay, for some reason your comments didn’t show up last week, yet are dated Nov. 20. We’ve passed your message along to Cindy Knowlton.
Hello again Dudley, Cindy is out this week, but responded last night: “Staff has met with the Officers of the Sunshine Animal Club. The Sunshine Animal Club is the group who religiously maintain the sanitary conditions of the park. They represent a large number of users. We are working with them on the renovations. Thanks for asking.”
Those of going to our new beautiful pool have a suggestion:
Can a clear plastic box with a key entry be put over the “EMERGENCY” button on the post that also has the “turn on” switch for the whirlpool? It seems that almost every day someone is pushing the Emergency button and it turns off the fountains in the pool. I don’t know why this happens, maybe the bubbles don’t come up fast enough and people think this will do it. There is a 30 second delay for that whirl pool timer. I was told that if the fountains get turned off they won’t bome back on until the next morning, they are on a timer as well. We love the fountains for their look and that they help with filtering the water.
Hello Barb, we’ve passed your suggestion along to our facilities and maintenance staff. Thank you.
Hi again Barb, Facilities Maintenance Manager Russ Boston tells us he’s done all he is allowed to do as per code.