Sun City West Owner Members who want to make a difference in their community are encouraged to run for the Governing Board. Candidate packets will be available beginning Wednesday, Nov. 1.
Owner Members may pick up packets between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. weekdays in the R.H. Johnson Recreation Center Administrative Offices (Building G3), 19803 R.H. Johnson Blvd.
The Recreation Centers of Sun City West Governing Board is comprised of nine residents who serve as the volunteer governing body in our community. The Board sets the policies under which our Association operates. Each year, three new members are elected to replace the outgoing volunteer Directors who have completed their three-year terms. Terms for Vice President Lisa Vines, and Directors Terry Hamman and Harry Stannebein will end on June 30, 2024. New terms run with the fiscal year, beginning July 1.
Any resident Owner Member in good standing who is available on a year-round basis for participation in the Association’s business affairs, may become a candidate for election to the Governing Board.
Candidate packets including petition forms with the required “Affidavit of Circulator” on the reverse side of each signature page are available from the Governing Board Executive Assistant in the Administrative Offices at the R.H. Johnson Rec Center (Building G3), 19803 R. H. Johnson Blvd.
Candidate packets must be returned to the Governing Board Executive Assistant by 3 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 2. They must include:
- Completed petition pages – which for each page should include signatures on one side and the “Affidavit of Circulator” on the reverse side. Signatures of 200 Owner Members in good standing are required (220 signatures are recommended in case some cannot be validated.)
- A typed resume of not more than 500 words in paragraph style.
For more information, call Executive Assistant Karen Roepken at 623-544-6115.
Short & to the point information on the subject topic. Thanks. Perhaps a button to take ya to the subject pages for the application would be helpful.