Recreation Centers
Of Sun City West, Inc.
Date: March 19, 2018
To: RCSCW Governing Board
From: Mike Whiting, General Manager
Subject: Weekly Activity Report – March 19, 2018
Facility Projects:
- The Beardsley Mini-Golf Turf Replacement Project was completed 3/10/18 but upon inspection we have already noticed there are several areas failing that are bubbling/buckling up and in need of repair. The vendor will be out to inspect these areas with us to discuss correcting this.
- The RHJ Parking Lot 2 Island Construction Project is set to begin 3/19/18 and will take approximately 2 weeks to complete.
- The R. H. Johnson Tennis Facility Closure begins on 3/26/18.
Facility Maintenance:
- All pool facilities are up and running and the water is warm!
- ForeSite Construction needs to come out a make a permanent repair to the R. H. Johnson Pool heating vent but it will require turning the water heater off. We will wait on this until the air temperature becomes warmer so the water will not be so cold.
- Three out of four SCW entry ways have been converted to LED lighting fixtures which provide better light than the old fixtures.
- We changed out the 16 lighting fixtures at the Racquetball Courts. Those using the courts are very happy with them.
- We’ve received the motion sensors ordered for installation at our Golf course restrooms and will install them as time permits until completed.
- Alliance Security Systems was on hand on Friday to instruct personnel on how to work surveillance system equipment.
- Happy Camp continues through Friday, March 30. Bowling will be held every Saturday for our Happy Camp participants! Please be sure to register all children at the R. H. Johnson Box Office for participation in Happy Camp.
- So You Think You Have Talent continues Tuesday, March 20, 11 a.m. at the Kuentz Courtyard. Entertainment is provided by Heat Wave featuring singers Joyce, Cora and Jeanne.
- Our March Dance scheduled for Friday, March 23 at 7 p.m. at Palm Ridge is SOLD OUT!
- Come join us at our next Jam Session on Monday, March 26 from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Kuentz Courtyard for two hours of entertainment!
- Our next Happy Hour is scheduled for Monday, March 28 on the great lawn. The show is free and kicks off at 6 p.m. Get ready for some toe-tapping genres of classic rock, blues and jazz with Bleu Passion.
- Our Chartered Clubs Officer’s Meetings will be held on March 28 & 29 (6 p.m. on Wednesday and 8 a.m. on Thursday) at the R. H. Johnson Social Hall. This meeting is mandatory for all Clubs to attend. At least one member of each club must be present. Please call Kasey at 544-6031 to confirm your attendance.
- The Easter Egg Hunt rolls into Beardsley Park on Saturday, March 31. Gates open at 8:30 a.m. and the Egg Hunt begins at 9 a.m. Tickets for this event are required and can be obtained at the SCW Box Office between the hours of 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Sports Pavilion:
- Sunday’s Bowling Special brought in $780.25.
- Staff is busy preparing for the second annual “Nate Brickman” Tournament which is scheduled to be held at noon on Saturday, March 24. Tournament entry fee is $25. All proceeds go to the Sun City West Sunrise Lions Club. Contact the front desk at the Sports Pavilion at 544-6140 if you have any questions about the silent auction or signing up for this event.
Village Store:
- Our Spring Arts and Craft Fair was held this Saturday, March 17 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the R.H. Johnson Facility. We had great weather, lots of people and really good food! The final numbers are not all in just yet but credit cards sales were 18% higher than any previous Craft Fair we’ve held to date! This was Village Store Manager Katie Van Leuven’s 25th Craft Fair here in Sun City West. Congratulations to Katie and all of those who helped for a job well done!
- Best-selling Author J. A. Jance returns to Sun City West tomorrow morning at the Palm Ridge Recreation Center. All complimentary tickets were distributed in a very short time. We will have extra chairs set up to accommodate all interested people.
- Last Wednesday was the first Story Time for Happy Camp and 52 children and adults attended. After the stories, Liberty Wildlife presented three rescued Arizona Raptors. Liberty Wildlife will return this week with three different animals for the children to see.
- The library’s virtual reality sessions remain very popular and we are investigating the possibility of offering additional sessions each month.
General Services;
- The Our Neighborhood Network (ONN) will be offering a series of speakers on different topics on selected Monday’s. All seminars will be in the SCW Foundation Webb Room at 14465 R. H. Johnson Blvd. Classes are free but you must call to register (623-207-1703). Next seminars is:
- Monday, March 19, 9:30 – 11 a.m. – It could Happen to You: Don’t Leave Your Loved Ones Guessing.
- The next Consortium Meeting will be held Wednesday of this week.
- Vertical scanners are being tested by the Recreation Department right now. They read better and are easier to manage due to the way they sit. We are proposing moving to these new scanners because they are sensitive enough to allow people to take a picture of the recreation card bar code and have it scanned into the computer system when they check in at the monitor’s station. Once testing is complete and they can be deployed everywhere, we will be installing them. Members will not be able to use pictures of their Rec. Cards on their call phones at the library as they are on a different software system. Members must continue to use their recreation cards to check out materials at the library.
- IT presented information to the Chartered Clubs Committee about plans to convert the club websites to the Divi platform. We are designing a master template and will notify clubs as we begin the conversion. Additionally, we are migrating the clubs website to a faster server as it has grown quickly and is taxing the current server’s capacity. We also informed the Committee that we are proposing to hardwire club room sin the next Fiscal Year with their own clubs network so lap tops and computers can be plugged into a network outlet in the wall and have immediate access to hard-wired internet. We will share this information at the upcoming Chartered Clubs Officer’s Meetings.
- We have received 200 digital responses to our Marketing Survey. That same survey is being published in the April edition of the Rec. Center News for those who wish to participate in it.
Financial Services:
- The Proposed FY 18/19 Budget will be presented to B&F Committee tomorrow at the B & F Committee Meeting.
- February month-end Financials went out this past Friday.
Golf Operations:
- Golf revenue is up 3.0% over prior year and rounds are about even over prior year.
- This year’s Million Dollar Hole-In-One event was held March 14 – No one won the Million Dollar Hole-In-One prize however, we did have one contestant come within 6 feet of the hole and another within 8 feet of the hole. The closest anyone came to the hole in past Tournaments was about 25 feet. Proceeds will benefit our local radio station KSCW (103.1).
- S. Kids hosted an event on Sunday afternoon at Pebblebrook and Stardust Golf Courses. There were kids 6 years old to 15 years old participating in this event.
- 280 golfers participated in the Tin Cup Event last week at Trail Ridge and Deer Valley Golf Courses.
- 50 golfers have signed up to participate in the SCW Classic this week.
Environmental Services:
- Environmental Services employees are working very hard in preparation of the multiple tournaments that were and are scheduled on our courses this season.
- Tree replacement continues at our golf courses.
- Golf Maintenance employees continue working on library landscaping; trees and plants will be added to the library landscaping this week.
- We will begin removing and replacing winter flowers in the community.
Human Resources:
- HR Manager, Denise Babirak, attended a seminar last week on “Investigations in the Workplace” which was presented by a criminal law attorney. The presentation was educational and interesting.
Upcoming Events:
MAR 2018
Every Tue at Kuentz SO YOU THINK YOU HAVE TALENT! 11 am at Kuentz Courtyard. Join us for our 7th Season high- lighting many new acts and “all your old favorites!”
March 20 – Heat Wave with singers Joyce, Cora and Jeanne. They are heating it up.
March 27 – Singer/instrumentalists Steve Kehler and Friends. This is another new act.
For questions or information, contact Dori Miller at 623-544- 6193. This event is FREE!
Mon, Mar 26 JAM SESSION, 1-3 pm, Kuentz Courtyard. Join us on from 1 to 3 p.m. for two hours of entertainment in the Kuentz Courtyard. Join in or just sit back and relax and enjoy the music. This starts our third season. For questions or information, contact Dori Miller at 623- 544-6193.
Wed, Mar 28 HAPPY HOUR Both shows are free and kick off at 6 p.m. Happy Hours are open to Sun City West residents and their invited guests. BYOB and snacks, however, coffee and ice will be provided. Be sure to bring your own chairs. No pets, service animals only.
March 28, get ready for the toe-tapping genres of classic rock, blues and jazz with Bleu Passion. This five-piece band will perform an array of upbeat classics that will be sure to have you dancing in the isles.
Fri Mar 23 MARCH DANCE -Yesterday Once More, 7 pm. Palm Ridge Recreation Center. SOLD OUT!
Mar 28 & 29 CHARTERED CLUBS OFFICERS MEETING, 6 pm Wed, or 8 am Thursday, RH Johnson Social Hall. It is mandatory that all clubs be represented by at least one officer. You can attend either meeting. Please call Kasey at 623-544-6031 to confirm your attendance.
Sat Mar 31 EASTER EGG HUNT rolls into Beardsley Park! The Easter Bunny will be busy hiding eggs. Tickets for the Eggstravaganza Easter Egg Hunt are free to residents and their invited guests. For tickets, (which are required), residents must show rec cards at the R.H. Johnson Box Office from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday. Tickets are available through March 28. The hunt starts at 9 a.m., with children grouped by age Gates will open at 8:30 a.m. After the children have finished collecting their eggs the Easter Bunny will arrive for pictures at 9:30 a.m. Parents must have their own camera. Bounce houses, face painting, crafts, and much more will be available. We will sell donuts, coffee, and drinks. Children must be registered for the Easter egg hunt. Children must be at least 1 (walking) but no older than 10.