Recreation Centers
Of Sun City West, Inc.
Date: January 9, 2017
To: RCSCW Governing Board
From: Mike Whiting, General Manager
Subject: Weekly Activity Report – January 9, 2017
- Running Construction set up the security fencing around the new Pickle Ball site. Blue Stake and private locator will mark out the utility lines. Estimated construction start date is projected to be January 9. Work is expected to take three months.
- Foresite Construction has set their security fence around the R. H. Johnson pool project and has started the prep work. The pool is being drained. Demolition work in the area is expected to begin today.
- Running Construction has completed all concrete work on the Meditation Garden at Beardsley. Stabilized granite walkway has been installed. Pavers will be completed on January 16th.
- Ken Eller with Archi-CAD Architects has submitted the application to Maricopa County for a Pre-Application meeting regarding the ARC paint booth. The meeting date is set for January 10th.
- Fabric Wall concepts is working on a proposal to install sound proofing material at the Beardsley Aquatic Facility based on a sound study that was conducted by Acoustical Consulting Services.
- Precise Signs has received the engineered drawings from Bingham Engineering for the two remaining signs for the Sports Pavilion and the Village Store. They re-submitted drawings back to Maricopa County for the permit on December 5.
- NORCON Industries has received the new end panels for the Kuentz Theater seats. NORCON is scheduled for January 24th and 25th to install the replacement end panels.
- DFG Builders is working with Staff in selecting the material for the completion of the two Admin. Courtyard planters in front of Lapidary and Silver Crafts. We are waiting for the revised proposal which should be submitted by the end of the week.
- Our next So You Think You Have Talent at Kuentz Courtyard is tomorrow, Tuesday, Jan. 10 at 11:00 a.m. Entertainment is provided by singer Arlyn Angel with special guest Arlo the Magician.
- We sponsored two events with Banner Health Research and Dr. Edward Zamrini on the latest news regarding Alzheimer’s Disease. The first presentation was held on January 4 at 1 p.m. and was attended by 600 people. The next presentation is scheduled for January 18 at 9 a.m. at Palm Ridge. To date, we have distributed 400 tickets for the Jan 18 program. Please join us for this most fascinating and up-to-date information on the research and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.
- Our Cruise Ship Series of events began on Friday January 6, 2017. Many of our shows are already sold out. Our Top Hat Series of entertainment events begins this week on Thursday, January 12, 2017.
- We will be starting escorted walking path tours beginning with the Coyote Trail on Saturday, Jan. 14 at 9 a.m. from the Kuentz Facility.
- A reminder that the next Newcomers Coffee and Orientation is set for Thursday, January 19 at the Social Hall. Doors open at 9:00 a.m.
Sports Pavilion:
- We continue to be busy on the weekends. Our Sunday Special brought in $771 in revenue this weekend. Last Tuesday’s Bowling Special brought in $246 and 34 are signed up to attend our Big Bowl Party on Sunday, February 5.
- On January 14 & 15 We will be hosting the Phoenix Senior Open and on January 22 & 23 the Phoenix Senior Masters. These are both new events to the Sports Pavilion that we hope will be enjoyed by all who attend.
- Congratulations go out to John Such of the Grand Mixers for his perfect 300 game! Rich Matich bowled an 801 series. Way to go Rich!
Village Store:
- The Village Store had its’ best sales figures for the month of December; $63,471.00. the next highest total reported was $61,000 in December of 2014.
- The price of security mail boxes will be going up to $185 plus tax effective Feb. 01. The installation fee will remain the same at $30. This is the first time the price was increased in 6y years.
- World War II in the Pacific will be presented by Author Paul McDevitt at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, January 11 in the Lecture Hall. His book “All Came Home” was named 2016 USA Best Book Awards Finalist. Paul will speak about WWII, his father, and his father’s ship the U.S.S. Leon.
- The Palo Verde Patchers will display the prize-winning quilt in the R. H. Johnson Library beginning Friday, January 13, 2017 to high-light the Club’s Quilt Show at Palm Ridge in February.
General Services:
- There may be a bit of a slow down while using Wi-Fi and internet services due to the fiber optic work going on to accommodate the RHJ Pool remodel.
- We have put up tall, free-standing signs at several facilities to promote and inform residents that on-line voting will be available for the upcoming Governing Board Candidate election in March 2017.
- PORA has informed the Rec. Centers that they will no longer be using their page in the Rec. Center News monthly publication. This will open up more space in the RC News for community information and special events.
Golf Operations:
- Revenue so far for the month of January 2017 is up $20,000 and rounds are up by 1,000 compared to same time-period last year.
- Pete Roberto will be retiring from golf Operations this month.
Environmental Services:
- Our water usage for 2016 was well under our conservation allotment for the year. Usage was down 38 Acre Feet which equals 12,382,000 gallons.
- We will be starting winter aerification of the greens this week starting with Deer Valley Golf Course. This will not affect play at any of our golf courses.
- Todd will be meeting with people at the Beardsley Meditation Garden to discuss landscaping plants to be installed.
- Our Landscape Maintenance Foreman, Robert Pena will be retiring Jan 27, 2017. We want to thank Robert for his 29 years of service to the Association and the great job he and his crew continually did taking care of the landscaping and flowers throughout the Rec. Centers. He will be missed.
Financial Services:
- We continue reviewing and making changes to Member Services processes, including preparing for on-line voting. All members should be sure to provide us an email address unique to them if they would like to vote on line for the upcoming Governing Board Election.
- Member Services did very well keeping up with the number of tenants coming in for the Recreation Cards the first week of January.
Facility Maintenance:
- The welcome sign for PORA has been completed.
- Facility Maintenance Supervisor Mike Bauserman will be retiring January 30, 2017. Many thanks to Mike for all his many years of dedicated service!
Upcoming Events:
Every Tue at Kuentz SO YOU THINK YOU HAVE TALENT! 11 am at Kuentz Courtyard.
Join us for our sixth season highlighting many new acts and all your old favorites! Join us in the Kuentz Courtyard starting at 11 a.m. Tuesdays for an hour of fun. Our lineup for January is:
Jan. 10 – Singer Arlyn Engel with special guest Arlo the Magician
Jan. 17 – Singers/ukuleleists Second Hill
Jan. 24 – Singer Maureen Lansing
Jan. 31 – Singers/guitarists The Back Row Boys Frank and Doug
Mon Jan 9 & 23 JAM SESSION, 1-3 pm, Kuentz Courtyard. Join us from 1 to 3 p.m. for two hours of entertainment in the Kuentz Courtyard. Join in or just sit back and relax and enjoy the music. This starts our third season. If you play a string instrument or other similar instruments join in on the fun. We supply sound and chairs for the musicians. This is open to SCW residents and guests. For questions or information, contact Dori Miller at 623- 544-6193.
Wed Jan 11 & Jan 25 HAPPY HOUR, 6-8 pm Kuentz Courtyard. This event is free and is for residents and their invited guests. Bring your own beverage and snacks. Ice and Coffee are provided. Also bring your own chair. – Jan 11, 6 pm Mostly Blues Mostly Blues is a band shrouded in mystery. Their music is a blend of soft blues and rock; easy on the ears and open to reason. 7 p.m. – Miss Senior Arizona Join three of Miss Senior Arizona’s amazing voices with Jan Rittmaster who was crowned in 1996 at our very own retired but loved Sundome; Sherry Herme who was crowned Miss Senior Arizona in 2008; and most recently Jeanne Martin who was nameed Miss Senior Arizona in 2016. Each beauty brings their own style of genre and will undoubtedly charm you. Jan. 25, 6 to 8 p.m. – YesterYear YesterYear was established in 2003 in a small mountain community called Pine Mountain Club and will create new memories with classic rock and country music from your past. This group of established musicians has played with the likes of Bruce Springsteen, Santana and many others. They continue to perform of festivals, weddings, and night clubs
Thu Jan 12 THE MUSIC OF WHITNEY HOUSTON, 3 pm & 7 pm at Palm Ridge Recreation Center. The Top Hat Series opens 2017 with Jade Milian who will perform the music of Whitney Houston. She is a dynamic vocalist with a powerful stage presence who has shared the stage with numerous respected and well-known entertainers. After touring and performing with artists such as Liza Minnelli, Big and Rich, Natalie Cole, Nick Carter, Jahiem and many more. Samuel E has also mastered the art of entertaining. Their shows highlight Samuel E’s world-class arrangements and feature Jade’s captivating and mesmerizing vocal performance. A perfect fit for any audience, their fun, fresh and invigorating concerts are loaded with adrenaline and true star power. Tickets are available on line at or at the RH Johnson Box Office from 8 am -3 pm Mon – Fri. Tickets are $25
Tue Jan 17 THE DUTTONS, 3 & 7 pm, Palm Ridge Recreation Center. Both shows are SOLD OUT!
Wed Jan 18 ALZHEIMERS SEMINAR at 9 am , Palm Ridge, As part of its ongoing efforts to help residents live happy, healthy lives, RCSCW is proud to sponsor a seminar featuring a renowned clinical researcher, Dr. Edward Zamrini, explaining the latest breakthroughs in Alzheimer’s research and therapies. Details about the seminar are in the December Rec Center News. This seminar is free and open to the public but you need a ticket. Tickets are available at the RH Johnson Box Office which is open from 8 am- 3pm. Mon thru Friday. Due to the large turnout expected, tickets are limited to 2 per person.
Thu Jan 19 NEWCOMERS COFFEE & ORIENTATION, 9 am, RH Johnson Social Hall. This is an opportunity for new residents to learn about Sun City West chartered clubs and to get acquainted with all that the community has to offer. The Social Hall doors open at 9 a.m. for residents to visit with the clubs and service groups represented. The introduction of staff will be made at 9:30 a.m., followed by a PowerPoint presentation. Coffee and pastry will be served.
Fri Jan 20 CRUISE SHIP SERIES PRESENTS RICH NATOLE and ARIANN BLACK, 7 pm at the Palm Ridge Recreation Center. This show is SOLD OUT!
Fri Jan 27 REAL TONES DANCE, 7pm, Palm Ridge Recreation Center, This event is SOLD OUT!
Saturdays URBAN TRAIL ESCORTED HIKES, am. Join us on an escorted hike on one of our designated Urban Trails. The Urban Trail Guide is online at or pick up a brochure at any Rec Center. Committee members who created the guides are excited to formally unveil the routes as they invite community members to walk with them beginning in January. All walks will begin 9 a.m. Saturday mornings, starting at the recreation center from which the routes originate. Members wishing to join the walking tours should meet up with the day’s guide near the fitness center of the designated rec center. There are expected to be two guides per walk, and the Rec Centers will provide bottled water to get started. The schedule of walks is as follows:
Jan 14: Coyote Trail, 2.3 Miles, Kuentz
Jan 21: Roadrunner Trail, 2.7 miles, Kuentz
Jan 28: Tal Pines Trail, 2.9 miles, Beardsley
On Item 1, the new pickleball courts….
This is club-funded as I understand. Has the club actually transferred the funds to the community, or are we carrying this as a receivable? If the latter, when are we expecting to be reimbursed?
Thank you
The club made a substantial down payment and the balance will be carried as a receivable upon completion of the project. The loan is to be repaid over a ten year period.
Related to the new Pickelball Courts:
On several recent occasions the Parking lot in the rear of RHJ has been near full! Near Meeker Mountain and the Dog Parks, no spaces remained and nearer to the entrance most spaces have been full.
We need to think very hard before converting any additional parking spaces to other activities. If Pickle Ball wants more courts in the future, regardless of whether they offer to pay for them, they should be sent elsewhere!
Thank you for your comments Dudley. We are always cognizant of our parking spaces. We have more than is required, but of course we also want to ensure we have enough for peak usage. With some special events, people may have to walk a little further, but we aim to keep that at a minimum and only for very large, special events.