Recreation Centers of Sun City West Governing Board Director Lou Mancuso was recalled in an Aug. 16 Recall Election.
About 78 percent of the votes were cast to recall Mancuso, while about 22 percent elected to retain him.
The community saw an impressive turnout with 34 percent of the community voting. The vast majority were cast early, with just 229 voters showing up on Election Day. Owner Members in good standing may cast one ballot for each property they own. There were a total of 8,593 voters casting 8,765 votes based on their property ownership. There were 49 abstentions.
Monday’s Election numbers compare to 4,143 who voted for Mancuso in the regular March Election.
Mancuso, who was seated to fill a partial term beginning March 29, started his own three-year term July 1. He was recalled in the special election after Owner Members turned in a petition with at least 1,000 signatures asking for the vote. According to Arizona law and Sun City West’s Bylaws, the Association must hold a recall election within 30 days of receiving a valid petition.
The recall means the Association will have two vacancies to fill as it starts its new season and new fiscal year. Director Bob Carneiro resigned from the Board on June 1 for personal reasons. The volunteer Governing Board is comprised of nine Owner Members who are elected to serve three-year terms. Information about filling the two vacancies will be announced in the near future.
Thank you owner members of SCW for recalling this unqualified person!
Unqualified? Based on what? The man was the CIO for the New Jersey Dept of Corrections. A genuine C level executive with more experience running a division than most anyone who’s ever served on the SCW board. And you call him unqualified? How short sighted.
What is the process to get on the special election ballot?
Tim, a special election can be called for by a petition signed by at least 1,000 owner members. You can contact the Governing Board Executive Assistant at 623-544-6115 for more information about creating a petition. If you were asking how to be considered for appointment to the vacancy created by the recall, information will be forthcoming. Check back at or watch the enews for details. Thank you.
I feel it is very sad that Board Members could not work together
I had asked a question when I voted. When should I expect a response?
Denise, most of the responses come in anonymously, so unless you also included your name and contact info, we wouldn’t be able to respond. Please send your question again, with contact info, to Thank you.
I sure hope some of those people who voted this man out step up to fill his position!
There is no room on our Board for a person of his caliber…Thank God he’s gone!!!
Hasn’t Mr. Mancuso been humiliated far beyond the pale at this point? When will it be enough, when he’s been burned at the stake? You, too, Rec Center, for allowing this to continue, and for putting a banner headline up like you’re some TV news program. Stop it now.
We had ourselves a C-Suite executive (Chief Information Officer, New Jersey Dept. of Corrections) elected to our board, perhaps the most capable person ever, but maybe a little rough around the edges. For that, along with the pack of mostly lies and innuendo on some bogus petition, you kicked him off the curb. SCW, a proud history, a bright future? Yeah, right. A black stain and a divided community is what you have now. It sickens me to see just how petty you’ve become.
I dare you to print this, too.
Rec Center admin, I dare you to print this. You, too, should be ashamed of yourself.
well, the cancel culture has won again. I can only assume if you don’t submit to the group think, one suffers the loss of thinking outside the box.
Is there a script to be followed when a board member expresses a dissenting opinion or alternative idea? Having a thin skin is difficult for those wishing to expose themselves to the free expression of ideas. This recall casts a long dark shadow on those who would step into a governing board position.
Will Lou Mancuso be allowed to run for the Board again?
Linda, according to Arizona Law ( h eis not eligible to run again until after the expiration of his term, which ends in June 2024.
From the verdict handed Lou, I would definitely say that the woke/cancel culture has arrived in SCW.
I was not part of any in person discussions that led to the recall. In reviewing the matter remotely, I could find only allegations for Mr. Mancuso’s recall, with no supporting evidence. In attempting to review Mr. Mancuso’s positions, I found nothing at all. The recall needs to canceled and conducted again, but this time a bit more comprehensively.