Recreation Centers
Of Sun City West, Inc.
Date: April 02, 2018
To: RCSCW Governing Board
From: Mike Whiting, General Manager
Subject: Weekly Activity Report – April 02, 2018
Facility Projects:
- Eight holes of the Beardsley Mini-Golf Turf were repaired under no cost warranty work to take care of adhesion failure caused by rain that occurred around the time it was installed.
- The RHJ Parking Lot 2 Island Construction Project was completed on 3/30/18. Debris will be removed from the parking lot this week and minor asphalt patch work will take place this week. Once that is done we will move on to the Landscaping Phase of the Project where Environmental Services will begin planting and landscaping the island project.
- The R. H. Johnson Tennis Facility Closure has started. The facility is closed, the gates have been locked and construction safety fencing has been installed. Staff has removed furniture and miscellaneous equipment. Roadrunner Cactus removed plants and boulders and saw cutting is in progress.
- The Kuentz Westernaires Cabinet project was completed 3/29/18. The Club has reported that the cabinet replacement turned out very wel1.
Facility Maintenance:
- Facility Maintenance staff went out to do some maintenance work on the diving board at Beardsley Pool. A large amount of rust and corrosion was found while scraping old paint. Work was stopped and it was determined that the upper part of the board would have to be replaced. We are working to locate the exact part we need for replacement. If we cannot locate the part, it would become necessary to replace the entire diving board which involves a lot more work.
- There is some warranty work that needs to be scheduled at the R. H. Johnson Pool within the next three to four weeks. This includes replacement of a dead palm tree, repair of a minor water leak and repair/replacement of a heating flue. It will be necessary to close the pool for 3 to 4 days during that time. Once we have determined the closure dates we will post the information.
- So You Think You Have Talent continues Tuesday, April 3, 11 a.m. at the Kuentz Courtyard. Entertainment is provided by Frank and Doug, the Back Row Boys.
- Come join us at our next Jam Session on Monday, April 9 from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Kuentz Courtyard for two hours of entertainment!
- Our next Happy Hour is scheduled for Wednesday, April 11 on the great lawn. The show is free and kicks off at 6 p.m. Join us for some great entertainment!
- Join us for the Surprise Pops Event on Friday, April 6 at 2:30 p.m. at the Palm Ridge Recreation Center.
- Happy Camp Volunteer Appreciation Lunch takes place on Tuesday, April 3 at Palm Ridge.
- About 2,000 kids, parents and grandparents were on hand for the Easter Egg Hunt at Beardsley Park on Saturday, March 31. Everyone had lots of fun and there was something on hand for everyone.
- Tickets for our Top Hat and Cruise Ship Series of Events are close to being sold out.
- Ticket sales for Fall Fest scheduled for Thursday,11/01/18 (Eagles) and Friday, 11/02/18 (Beatles) are going well.
Sports Pavilion:
- Sunday’s Bowling Special brought in $620.
- We had two 300 games bowled last week! Congratulations go out to Red Bogumil and Pete Kleckner of the Peterson League! Great job!
- Library patrons have commented to staff about the great job we are doing with the landscaping down around the Library.
- 255 people attended Bestselling Author C. J. Box Book Talk last Tuesday. As always, Deb Anderson and the Social Hall Staff did a great job preparing the room for this event.
- 25 people attended Phoenix based Author Betty Webb Book Talk last Wednesday, at Palm Ridge Rec. Center. Her books are favorites of library patrons and all who attended gave her high marks.
- The library staff had children make some Spring crafts at the Egg-Stravaganza Easter Egg Hunt last Saturday in Beardsley Park.
- The Friends of the R. H. Johnson Library will present the film Darkest Hour at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday April 7 at the Stardust Theatre. Doors will open at 1:00 p.m. This special matinee is for those people who were not able to see the movie in March.
General Services;
- The Marketing Survey is still gaining a lot of hits. We look forward to additional responses now that the April Rec. News is out. Members can fill out a paper version of the survey found in that issue and turn them in before 3 p.m. on April 13 to the Receptionist at the R. H. Johnson Administration Building. We will release the results once they’ve all survey information has been compiled and analyzed. Thank you to everyone who filled a survey out.
- IT has transitioned to a faster server. It is now up and running.
- At 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, April 4 in the Lecture Hall, The Del Webb Sun Cities Area Historical Society is sponsoring The Sun Dome History.
- Center News Deadline is Friday, April 6. Please submit all articles by noon on Friday.
Environmental Services:
- Golf Maintenance is going through the bidding process for the purchase of 50 trees plus installation for the remainder of the R. H. Johnson parking lot islands.
- We are preparing to perform spring aerification on our golf courses.
- We will be closing Lawn Bowls Courts No. 1 & 2 this week for summer maintenance.
Human Resources:
- We have scheduled our three-year FMLA/ ADA/Anti-Harassment Training for managers and supervisors for later this month.
Is it true that Cindy Knowlton is being brought back. If so, why?
H Dale. Cindy will be working on our space utilization study, which will last about 10 weeks. She has a lot of experience in that area, has conducted them before, and is familiar with our clubs, their membership numbers, their needs, and our facilities. She was a perfect fit for this study.
Update please on the repair / replacement of the diving board. Its been 4 months since the original post with no further update.
Hi Steven, let us know which pool you’re talking about and we’ll get you an answer tomorrow. Thanks!